đź—¨ Chatting place

This topic is for general chatting. You can talk about anything you’d like here, provided it’s related to Chicken Invaders. However, bear in mind that:

  • The usual forum rules still apply here.
  • All replies will be automatically deleted after 3 days.

I will generally not read, much less respond to posts here. If you have an important enough issue that requires attention, create a proper topic.


Imagine this being the home base of the chickens.


This case, he didn’t do anything is correctly :cold_face:

What is your favourite highlights?
  • Highlight 1 (Boss death moment)
  • Highlight 2 (Players death moment)
  • Highlight 3 (Skills moment)
  • Highlight 4 (Multiplayer moment)
  • Highlight 5 (Epic waves moment)
0 voters



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Welp in Darkness mission is useless. The ship is VF-76 visible to darkness but 8 firepower it’s worse in 50% - 140% so i’m never played this mission?

The question is do you even use VFs in hard missions?

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Is this even a question?


This is why I have knowledge of most wave patterns. Darkness isn’t a overall problem for me, its just an annoyance to not see the whole screen.

VF-76 it’s a Hard Mission in Darkness is useless even epik waves like a tank, i’m played Lower Mission in VF-76 use to it or even BX, Müller, H&C like a jumpscare.

kncap please theres a share button i do not want to find and watch the whole video just to see a 10 second clip

yes i could have watched the entire thing rn anyways but convenience ya

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For me, it isn’t necessary. Seeing an image is enough to understand what will happen then. I don’t know what would you want to?

send the youtube link? like i literally cannot tell what is going on in the screenshot


Yeah, VF-76 need to get buffed.

(At least stupid guy got one of my social media account banned for no reason)

messing around the reshade settings


Is that like 2002 mode?


is the “what’s the time” wave supposed to show the actual time or it’s random

Why does it needs buffing? You trade in power for resistance

Fair trade to me

I smell skill issue here

it’s random every timer wave RNG.

has of power from BX-10 :skull:.

skill issue doesn’t enough to hard difficult.