Early Access version 124

Screw that, this is repetitive

Can this be reduced a bit?
  • Yes
  • No
  • It should not exist
  • Yes, but only 25%
  • Yes, but only 50%
  • Yes, but only 33%

0 voters

So does the competitive goal

Unless if you don’t have the difficulty quest then it isn’t

Uhh competitive spam is still repetitive


Is it possible we would be able to switch to the Christmas edition before the 25th? If not, it’ll be nice if that was an option

So it’s a focus rectangle. I don’t know what I can do about it, but I’ll look into it.

The game will continue to be developed as usual.

I think this is caused by a wrong initialization bug, which has already been fixed for v.125. Please test it again and let me know.

Changed in v.125 :medal_sports: Idea

Fixed in v.125 :medal_sports: Bug

Are you using actual fullscreen mode? Windowed and borderless are forced to use V-Sync by the window manager (even though the game might be internally rendering faster)

The game’s frame counter is updated 8 times per second, but it only shows the last frame’s duration (well, inverse duration). It’s not an average. It measures the time taken between two successive frame buffer flips – as measured by when the draw call returns, not when the GPU actually gets around to flipping the buffers (due to internal buffering or frame “pre-rendering” this might not happen immediately). Also, timeSetEvent (failing that, just plain Sleep) is used to wait until a specific instant, which has both accuracy and scheduling issues (even more so if you’re running it under Proton), so it’s possible it waits for too long (or too little?)

This looks like a GPU driver bug. I can’t do anything about it.

On the list.

Auto-updaters are convenient, but internally they are quite complicated and not something I have time to do (or even want to do).

That’s going to draw way more players, which is not desired. There will be FPS issues for the players, and balancing issues for the server.

Christmas Edition will be added on the 15th.


I’m now drawing the buttons using only an outline. Changed in v.125 :medal_sports: Idea


Thanks for updating the shockwave.
But as we know, the radius is the same and it is not bog enough. If just for a bit more balance, you can increase the radius of the shockwave range, for example 2 times bigger.(in massive environments it can even be up to 3 or 4 times bigger l. It should get bigger as the zoom is getting bigger) so that it would at least be a pleasance range for moving, not dying several times in a row, and destroying many bullets.

Hey IA, you haven’t given me my bug medal, callsign: Rear Admiral Plasma

You’re like, “There’s nothing wrong”, well you’re wrong, usually the “Stage Clear!” music ends after the recruit has finished going Super Sonic speed, but with this track; it didn’t end, you can hear 2 themes play at the same time in the end, bug?

It happened since 2 days ago and then today nothing happened

Will be the anniversary message translate-able or is this out of question?

I was saying

Means it clicking on exit himself

He (@Piotrek1113) wasn’t replying to you. He was asking a question.

Oops I so sorry

Can you make all planets in the same star system(s) the HeroCam™ is rendering remain visible?

Can you make these automatically updated and calculated every frame in the client side?

Not sure how this game works, but can’t you just add a simple Boolean that checks if the amp is on or not, and with that, change the frequency?

Can you also add a simple line that spams making your own spacecraft visible all time?

Uh, some stuff here look pretty easy to be fixed, compared to other bugs.

Can you just, change where UVE initializes stuff? Or allow stuff to initialize even when the game is paused.

Do they get despawned for being outside the screen?

Isn’t the next wave already known by the game? Why can’t it just update if the counter updated correctly?

Can you change how music is played? So it doesn’t care about the host, but the client side that has the game. So if the boss isn’t there, don’t play its music. (Or by like, syncing the boss state with the host)

Idk if what I said is even useful, but Imo some of these bugs look too simple compared to other bugs which were fixed. And it’d be weird to still have these bugs from a long time ago and the game will exit early access in a few days.

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I tried both. No difference with the game fps counter. Steam one stays 165 only occasionally dropping to 160.

Seems way too overcomplicated, but I’m not qualified enough to speak at this level so I’ll assume there was no better way.

Yeah actually it never did have any bigger issues. Even with 60Hz screen the fps counter was jumping wildly below and above the set limit and V-Sync

A question about the 2002 mode: Will it stay forever, or it will be removed once the CI2 anniversary ends?

nod nod

Does thundercluck does not give you points when you damage it is intented?