Early Access version 109

But i said it here, otherwise i wouldn’t say it here

If i wanted to cheat and do nothing else then why i would say it here

Prob. I have 760gb

Then why posting this picture on the forums?

this game is lightweight size
only 863MB for sure

thats report

Im not a type of medal farmer but…

So it only changes the entire mission seed? Or just Meteor mission?


You posted an image without any description to it.
You only said you were cheating when someone asked for it.
Therefore, you didn’t report anything.


Well since we have new waves, the mission seed may reset as well, or some waves will be replaced.

what i even needed to say

These are the 5 people I found which suggested this before and should be given medals. There might be more I missed, but yeah.


bomber mains:


Hmm, I suggest reducing their firerate by 10-20% so that it is more forgivable for Bomber mains, while still covering the screen with bullets.

And on another note, I discovered this ancient suggestion of bringing back reinforcements.

Lastly, when will we get eggships and homing missiles from CI3.


“iA, I discovered a cheat. [steps to replicate]. Please strengthen the anti-cheat measures, thanks.”


Idek what i even did, i was playing with addresses and game files

well whatever since i saw your keys getting back to about 200

Yeh i changed back to original


Potion flasks are the boss’s main temporary hitbox. Is this how it should be?

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Intentionally, yes.

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How do you like the preview? Do I need to change something?