Early Access version 59.3

Set ‘‘Graphics’’ as low as possible then when I tried to make it high again and clicked back, it gave me this.


This was already reported many times, iA will fix it on the next version. Meanwhile, you could edit the CIU.cfg manually to your liking, strangely enough it doesn’t crash the game.


@InterAction_studios This nickname is actually a Russian swear word written with Latin.

Can we have “is this thing following me?” quip if we meet the same boss second time in the same mission? Like two crabs or UCO.


In the waves that the chicken is angry when his or her brother or sister they just move fast but the
Speed of attacks are normal
So could the attack be little faster?

Already suggested:

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Wait, I have a suggection. Is it possible to change the overheating time when we flying on Frozen mission?

No, the disadvantages were supposed to make the game harder (not my line).

Already suggested… a lot.
It may break game balance, cause game breaking bugs and some weapons may never overheat (Riddler… I’m staring at you)

Just a tought: What if missions in this environment reduced overdrive efficency?


I think that the ice blocking most of your visual is enough
(Maybe you could make the ice a little bit more ferocious)


Okay, here’s a suggestion that might be pretty pointless, but I’ll suggest it anyway:

Can key rewards from Dailies/Space Race/Weekly only be collected only IF you read the mail? That way, you can at least see the key count change.

That’s an extra step that is not necessary, especially for people who have been playing the game at least 2 weeks, but anyways, I respect that idea to the newbies.
Maybe auto-cancel it if the player have flight time over 10 hours

But that way you easily lose your keys if you can’t check the game after playing daily. For example some trip or smth.

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I’m ok, but only the daily ones. Losing a space race/weekly reward wouldn’t feel… rewarding :wink:

Can in wave satellite fly-by the Alien Container come from right too ?

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Didn’t you suggest it before?



He won’t stop until we submit image


How about background-blending bosses? That’s a weird suggestion

But you can change background in shop and those are not very similar to each other. Especially hard to make modding background legal for this.

Oh no no no, it won’t disappear. It just stays there forever. It will all just accumulate in your inbox till you check them or click “mark as read”