CIU version 137

Fixed in v.138 :medal_sports: Bug


So . Burgermeister the chance at chicken invasion

and look at this

burgermeister won’t attack from suck at chickens during droid raid.

What about a white-gold ornament instead? Will look christmassy while looking distinguishable.


for halloween, why not candy cuisine

Personally, i dont see any point to remove this boss in Chicken Invansion. And since Burger is the special boss, iA wont gonna remove it.

If you somehow really think this boss is extremely hard, them im sorry to said this: skill issue

that is seasonal super-chick laser beam themes. only that christmas not easter and thanksgiving so incomplete!

It does attack.

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Ok, added the rest of the seasons in v.138 :medal_sports: Idea


All type of chicks have the costumes for each season content. However, why the chicks that driving two heavy gun that have no any costumes? Can iA let those chicks have costume just like the chick that out of space?

Perhaps. Looking at the code I see the egg breaking is no longer an animation, but it’s created on the fly. This will be problematic to theme. But I’ll work something out.


I can smell UCO5 in the distance

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Changed in v.138 :medal_sports: Idea

(They still break into a yolk+eggwhite, however – that is not easy to change)


@InterAction_studios In “Surfing the Wave” level, The danger zone is displayed only once, on the side where chickens attack for the first time. While the danger zone should appear 4 times (twice on the right and twice on the left.)

So I was looking at some of my old ideas and I decided to put some of them here that are kind of easy to add to the game (as IA is now days more available checking the forum)

Be sure to check them IA, and I remember you told me these things

Make Master Squawker and Crazy Squawker no longer drop powerups when defeated (except 120th anniversary)
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(my idea) can you make show em whos the boss in Christmas edition into christmas deers? that would be amazing!
and i mean add that skin for them so it can make more christmas vibes into them instead of normal.

Big Chickens are already themed in the next update


I’ll try to summarize the problem:
Sketchy Interstellar highway is possible when the following requirements are met:

  • The destination star system must be the next to be discovered in at least one path.
  • The route to the destination decided by the game must have one undiscovered star system belonging to the same constellation as the destination.

christmas deers would have been a better choice than hats

another idea, can you add superchick mummy skin for halloween edition?
and twice infinity (devil and angel skins) for halloween edition as well.
chef can have blood all around him like a killer yk and throws chicken parts that has blood
as for crab, he can be like an abandoned robot with dirt all around and his head is a bit broken.

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