Early Access version 103

okay so basically they meant:
if you use special weapons you don’t get pecking bonus
so you should hide the pecking hud when the bonus is disabled


yep ;-;


Hello! This question was probably answered multiple times but what is the point to have the rookie skill as a buy-able item in the galactic store when you don’t even need to buy it to play with the said skill?

Yeah, you don’t lose anything for buying and then selling it but you can just play any mission without any skill levels selected instead of buying the default skill. I’m interesed to know what’s the point of it being in the shop.


Filler i think

IA you have to do smth about inactive players in league maybe hide them if the stopped logging into the game for a month + the top players that is keep declining the dares you should add a limit or when you decline a dare you lose 1 point this only works for top 150

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You mean why isn’t the stage transition exactly at 66.66%? It doesn’t have to – if you cause a lot of damage in one go, it will proceed past the transition.

Thanks, will look into it.

I’m aware of this. It’s unlicensed and unauthorised, but what can you do.

Since it’s very narrow, I doubt it would make much visual difference

This seems simple enough, but would it be enough of a variation to be worth it? I’ve made a note to revisit your idea when it’s time to add new enemies.

Again, nice idea, but limited cosmetic impact. It’s definitely not worth rendering separate frames for this, but perhaps I could reuse the existing frames. It will all depend on how well i can make them join to the bodies.

This is actually a much more serious bug that results in crashes, which is already scheduled for fixing in v.104

There is no point except “completeness”. Otherwise, there would be a notch missing when you look at the skill icons from top to bottom



This is exactly how did I make my images.
I have no idea for Armored/Copy Chicken, but for the ufo chicken you can use the assets that were already in the game:
Shady bubble

chicken heads
and clothes


It could have a considerable effect when stacking multiple scopes. It’d also allow for making non-invisible black lasers, and for matching their appearance with that of wingstreaks.

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@InterAction_studios 2 questions
What is that
What is it doing in my ProgramData


What have you done


3 questions.



it a feature

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This isn’t bug it’s for random waves and time because This mission in wormhole .


suggestion for spacecraft equipment
Mount Best Fleet (or Save Equipment/Load Equipment): Its mounts your best heatsink (depending on thermal capacity),best reactor and best thruster (depending on fuel efficiency) or saves your equipment and you can load that equipment later on other spacecraft if they are available

Your cheating experiments have corrupted the game’s memory, so anything is possible.


Changed in v.104 :medal_sports: Idea

Changed in v.104 :medal_sports: Idea

Fixed in v.104 :medal_sports: Bug

Changed in v.104 :medal_sports: Idea

Fixed in v.104 :medal_sports: Bug

Fixed in v.104 :medal_sports: Bug

Fixed in v.104 :medal_sports: Bug


Yay, welcome back!

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ay its finally back after 3 weeks

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Welcome back, IA! :grinning:
(And thx a lot for the medals!)