Early Access version 85.3

What!! Why?

Well, you could still use it through mods


Why was that copyright?
Oh nvm. I know the reason.

can you add the Disappear effect in the Symphony wave?

The fence end-points do not vanish (it would create too much clutter – this is the only wave where it’s apparent)

Also, fences disappear instantly, much like on other waves having it.

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iA, there’s something fishy within the Cardinality of Four wave. I’ve done 2 ironman attempts and in the first, Cardinality of Four had a set of balloon chickens when it was upside-down, and in the second attempt it had a different set, this time of coward chickens, when it was also upside-down. This also happened previously, on a different Ironman, when it was on the final phase, when the ship was facing right.

I understand

What is that?

When a wave ends, but barriers and portals are still there, they get disappeared with white smoke effect. He/She talks about that.

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and Container


Cardinality of Four is the only wave where the enemies are not spawned all together at the very beginning of the wave, but rather in 4 separate sets. This means that if the randomizer gets desynced for any reason (e.g. saucers which dynamically spawn chickens when destroyed), the subsequent spawns for the rest of the wave will be different. This cannot be fixed.

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With that said, Cardinality of Four had a very interesting format; will we see more waves like that in the future?

in coridor shooter wave is missing clean sweep bonus!!
I knew that was there before!..at least I remember that I recive!

I don’t see why not.

A quick peek at the code reveals it’s enabled for that wave. I’m currently experiencing some hardware problems and I can’t check more in depth.

ok :slightly_smiling_face: but I’m 100% that I was recive the bonus before and I’m 100% that is kill all the enemies and I don’t recive the bonus!

in the mission completed info the droid raid mission are not counted!!!
it is possible to make them countable??? it will be very useful!!! it will be also a good way to track the droids!!!

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Can you explain more? I couldn’t understand.

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the doid mission they are not counted…as mission completed
not shown on this numbers

not easy but is important and useful

a solution if is possible and maybe not so difficult make it them counted as single unit…like another info droid completed…