Early Access version 75


:warning: Due to changes in the installer, you should delete the game shortcut from your desktop before installing the new version (otherwise you’ll end up with two shortcuts).

Not much to say about this update. A lot of right-to-left language fixes, some bug fixes and minor tweaks. Also, weapons Excel and free CHL are back in (both temporarily).


You will lose:

  • any in-mission progress
  • all graphics options, which includes your window/borderless/fullscreen setting.
  • if any options have been removed or added to a new version, then all menu options (not just graphics) will be lost.


:new: New features – :bulb: Tweaks – :bug: Bug fixes – :gear: Internal changes

  • :gear: Deleted users who haven’t logged in during the past 4 weeks and have less than an hour of playtime, and also users who haven’t logged in during the past week and have less than 10 minutes of playtime, and also users who haven’t logged in during the 12 months and haven’t set an e-mail.
  • :bulb: Double Team: Doubled Infinichick health @100% difficulty (@MNaeemi777 @SA-GoldenBoss128 :medal_sports: Idea)
  • :bulb: Double Team: Superchick size increased 40% (@OneWingLunarian :medal_sports: Idea)
  • :bug: “Special Forces” boss is now spawned closer to edge of screen (appears faster) (@SA-GoldenBoss128 :medal_sports: Bug)
  • :gear: “Letterbox” option is applied even for small deviations from native 16:9 aspect ratio (@Waterrail :medal_sports: Idea)
  • :bug: “Double Team” missions are no longer assignable to squadrons Fixed server kicks when “Double Team” assignments were assigned to members without CHL (@shanikla :medal_sports: Bug)
  • :bug: “Get Ready!” wave (120th anniversary): Fixed pecking order (@Francis :medal_sports: Bug)
  • :bulb: Double Team missions: Infinichick now fires 6 times instead of 3 (@SA-GoldenBoss128 :medal_sports: Idea)
  • :bulb: Applied weapon Excel changes (see 📊 Weapon data spreadsheet - #130 by OneWingLunarian) (@OneWingLunarian :medal_sports: Idea)
  • :bulb: Mission Outcome screen: Point value omitted from medals which don’t award any points (@Hypotox :medal_sports: Idea)
  • :bug: Fixed “Squadron assignment reward” message appearing in the language of the squadron member rather than the squadron founder (@SA-GoldenBoss128 :medal_sports: Bug)
  • :bug: Galaxy regeneration: Fixed Fortune Teller names (@Sammarald :medal_sports: Bug)
  • :bug: Galaxy regeneration: Fixed Asteroid Belt names (@SOLAR :medal_sports: Bug)
  • :gear: Translations: Fixed justification/bidi errors in RTL languages.
  • :bug: “Mysterious” boss now clears all enemy projectiles upon death (@Francis :medal_sports: Bug)
  • :bulb: “Egg Cannon” boss: Red bolt attack now repeats between 3 (0%) to 6 (100%) times depending on difficulty (@SA-GoldenBoss128 :medal_sports: Idea)
  • :gear: Excel overriding is now reinstated.
  • :gear: Installer: Game shortcut is now created on the “common desktop” rather than “user desktop”.
  • :gear: Galactic store price tweaks.
  • :bulb: Egg Cannon boss: Now attacks with double lasers for difficulties>=100% (@Francis :medal_sports: Idea)
  • :bulb: Henterprise boss: Giant laser attack is now much quicker for difficulties>=100% (@OneWingLunarian :medal_sports: Idea)
  • :gear: Added initial prices to purchasable items (key packs & CHL).
  • :gear: Free CHL purchasing has been temporarily re-enabled.
  • :bulb: Superchick boss: Laser attack’s duration now decreates with increasing difficulty (@OneWingLunarian :medal_sports: Idea)
  • :bug: Galaxy regeneration: Fixed massive/singularity environment for Wormholes (@2sN :medal_sports: Bug)

v75.2 Emergency patch (server-side)

  • :bug: Fixed crash upon player disconnection

v75.3 Emergency patch (server-side)

  • :bug: Galaxy regeneration: Fixed Retro missions not being marked as massive (@2sN :medal_sports: Bug)
  • :bug: Fixed maintenance being performed at wrong periods.


You are reminded that during Early Access you are responsible for backing up your own progress. Make a copy of everything under C:\ProgramData\InterAction studios\CIU (including all sub-folders). :warning: Never rename files or move them from one version folder to another. Simply make a copy and then later put it back exactly where you found it.


UCO 5 when?
and I beat 2 ucos ok

defeat UCO #3 and #4 in double team with SSH

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  • Reset

0 voters


my only problems on Double team is Mysterious ship and Crab with laser

then go beat that too

ok dup

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iA, can you shrink the badge a bit? It’s kinda c h o n k

If you defeated UCO 2+4 with video proof and without dying or using anything, then request UCHO 5 whenever you can.

UCO 3+4 is easy, anyone can defeat them because they attack at the same time.

I want to do it but OBS doesn’t let me

Use another recorder. Use the one OneWingLunarian uses.

Also iA, maybe take a look at this later:

It’s a design decision. Needs no explanation.

Because it’s more complicated than Superchick, and I can’t be bothered.

I don’t want to endlessly tweak boss attack patterns. It wastes time which can be better spent elsewhere.

No, I can’t special-case the falling speed. Sometimes you get unlucky. Most of the time there’s a window during which you can grab the gift/atom, because it’s not falling exactly at the same speed as the debris.


Well this is kinda worrying.


Oh, ok, is the maximum number of environments 3 at competitive missions? What are the chances of having environments at Weekly Challenge and Space Race?

I think you should increase the chances since environments rarely appear at Weekly and Space Race.

Is this change applied to Double Team only or normal boss too? If it is to Double Team only add “Double Team” at this change.

nah, iA knows what he’s doing

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Where Is Medal not effected at all
CIU 2021-03-23 23-50-46-85



I have medal from 3

If he did we’d have at least 95% more content and actual balancing on everything. No, I don’t hold a grudge against iA. Please don’t get the wrong idea. I like his games, but when it came to CIU there’s tons of content still in need to be added. Content and hardcore balance changes are what CIU currently needs, and he had three years to do that yet here we are. Not to mention that most of the sprites, missions, etc. were recycled from past games.


It’ll be awarded later.

Oh, the pricings are nice for now. Definitely getting the CHL on Day 1 or Day 2 after Early Access ends.

I use OBS