🌎 How to translate the game

I was wondering, would be possible to reset the translations for this one? Since the old name existed for a long time, many people choose the older option. But now they have to choose the new name once again, so it really depends how many people approved the new translation to show up in-game.

Well, I tried to ask it once and then…

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It is, but it’s a minor change that doesn’t really change the meaning. Besides, not all translations are actively worked on (especially for secondary languages), so if I remove it, it might never be translated again.

I misunderstood your request. I thought that you were asking about extensively deleting multiple phrases or entire translations. It’s possible to delete specific phrases.



He’s the only one who’s able to delete them.



is it possible to edit the translations like a language current (are translated) by new, in every time login?

I don’t fully understand what you are asking. There have been no changes to how players translate the game – that still works exactly in the same way.

For players who are simply running the game in a non-English language, then the most current translation (with the latest changes) will be downloaded from the server and applied automatically each time they log in.


Okey, I’m so sorry I misunderstood to asking for this update.

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I’m not sure what exactly causes this but this is not the first time I’m noticing the incorrect plural form of “day” in the daily stipend message. It’s supposed to use “дня”, because the translated line says “день дня дней”, and in any other place it chooses the correct form.

Turns out it just doesn’t utilise the plural forms.

Some time ago I’ve made a Discord server for translation discussions. Currently we have all 13 official translators there and several categories for many languages. I invite everyone interested to join in. There’s not much going on, but currently this is the best way to have an open conversation with translators and players to decide on the translation corrections, or to ask help with the translation context.


Oof. That’s not easy to fix at all, because these messages are shared by all players (and hence all language pluralization forms). I’d recommend editing the phrase translation and changing the wording to something like “day(s)” . It’s ugly, but it works.


Don’t forget, this one was previously called “Extra missiles!”:


Missiles are now special weapons.

Persian translation is finished.

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I assume the translations for the episodes will be available in the next CIep betas, yes?

i checked the translations arabic on this “X” and it’s not exist.

this is was previously reported

Aside from InterAction studios trusting official translators (That was really amazing and we thank him) , will the translators get paid? Is there anything planned? :face_with_peeking_eye:

they may get rewards like keys or chl (according to iA 2-3 years ago), but we haven’t seen anything related to that

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As the Excel sheet layout was mentioned, I’d also like to suggest the move to tab-separated UTF-16LE CSVs for the following reasons:

  1. Doesn’t require scarce xls libraries to work with → less issues with crashes or cut-offs @KnockoffFeline told me about:

…my imported Hungarian translations end up getting cut off before the first occurrence of ő or ű

  1. It can be edited even without Excel or other office suites, but it also can be exported from Excel (as “Unicode text, .txt”) and imported back relatively easy.


  1. Importing them to Excel is not as intuitive as with xls (Data→Import from text/CSV→Modify→Use the first row as column names→Confirm and import).
  2. Automatically escapes quotes with double quotes (e.g. this is a "thing" turns into "this is a ""thing""" but the stuff remains the stuff).
  3. Excel can only use UTF-16LE-BOM and there is no way to force it to UTF-8, UTF-32 or at least to no BOM, even though the save options pretend that there is a way to change the code page.

I said “tab-separated” because Excel’s CSV actually depends on the regional settings (usually uses ,, but for me it uses ; and if it finds both in text it falls back to tabulations), but if you save it as “Unicode text” it always uses tabs.