Early Access version 91

I mean the wave The Fortress: Chicken Invaders Universe - The Fortress but with wider corridor - YouTube . Seriously, haven’t you met that wave ?

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Another bug: Double Team missions are also available for non-CHL owners, but the server doesn’t let them join (The game sticks in route mode). Shouldn’t these missions be grayed for them with warning?

And this button sometimes looks brighter in multiplayer section.

Ah. Didn’t notice where the comma was.
Doesn’t change the rest of what I said.

They can join, actually. I’ve been able to do that several times despite not having CHL.

Weird. I couldn’t join and waited around 5 minutes. Hadn’t this problem for other missions.

In my opinion, when someone use anomally zone, its effects should only affect them, not for everyone. That will make things go better. And in the boss Feather Brain, do you ever think what will happen next when 2 player stand on different anomally zone at the same time ? Well, a logical paradox appear: What effect will last ?

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Agreed, but the host player should determine about the gravity and not anyone else.

that’s still annoying if the host is on the opposite side during feather brain

This shouldn’t be an actual problem. Multiplayer is so laggy and the serve mimics my moves after a second and got died more than others. :confused: And I guessed right: Some players still don’t use Pro-Gamer mode. Someone used Noob-Gamer mode actually, because of big-ass screen shakes and painful slow stage transition.

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Well, i don’t think multiplayer mode is a wise thing that should be in CIU, at least not like what it is right now.


@InterAction_studios If you joined a game while a berserk chick is mad at someone, it will appear neutral (It’s first normal sprite)

Update: It seems that some guys do join games with satellites mounted.
But me and some others reported otherwise, we cannot load our satellites. I wonder what’s the difference…

It looks like if you have custom music selected, but you join a game with a wave in-progress, you will hear the default music until the next wave starts.

Also when I joined a random boss rush game, I couldn’t hear music at all until the next boss fight


So from my experience the game tended to become unstable for more players when there were more than 6 in one mission, with groups of players crashing out due to a missing net object error

at least it allowed me to see this in multiplayer


I couldn’t bring satellites as host, but could do that as guest.

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IA will you play with us again


So like, how will my computer explode, is that real?

@InterAction_studios If you kept chatting while pausing the game, then click the camera icons, you would see the text box and text be prepared in the middle of the screen, not next to spaceship.

I could actually get some rooms