Early Access version 91.3

i don’t see why it can’t be added


Not a fan of this wave. It’s just Wormhole with lasers and containers.

Although this is not a good reason to change the wave generation for all missions, it would be fun if wave 99 of Weekly Challenge and wave 49 of Ironman is always Treasury (my favorite player suggested wave, it’s hard but not epic, gives a better satisfaction).


but all enemies are the same, so some epic waves may appear, like full naut or full armored, different from wormhole

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@InterAction_studios Can you allow left control and left alt to be used for Emergency exit?
Also, this may be a bug, if you joined a multiplayer mission that is over, the red background will not appear.

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Yep, only the right side Ctrl+alt works for emergency exit. Whether pressing them at once or in order.

Multiplayer: Anomaly zones now affect each player individually.

@C0mplex should receive medal:

@InterAction_studios If you joined during a paused mission, you will see everything being initialized


Both have their complications, but I’ve added the “ping” one.

Fixed in v.92 :medal_sports: Bug

Added to v.92 :medal_sports: Idea

Fixed in v.92 :medal_sports: Bug

Not sure. Will reset it during the next update just to be sure.

What do you you mean? Both left and right are supported.

Odd. Very odd.

Sure. My internet hasn’t been working for the past 3 days, so these changes are all from memory.

Known. There’s a lot of bugs like that.


No, only left works.

Ah yes, a mission with only 36 waves but also has a 37th wave


some player joined can resume game when i pause game

Fixed in v.92 :medal_sports: @NguyenQuocHieu Βθγ

Do you have v91.3?


yes,i have

Ok, try it with the upcoming v.92 and let me know if it happens again.


This post reported it first.

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Umm, what do you mean by that?

they meant you reported that bug first

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But it happened on 91.3 too.

oh okey thx

but ia didn’t fix it in 91.3 so it doesnt count :man_shrugging:

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