Early Access version 84

Yes, pitch/frequency has changed in CIU to accommodate Overdrive and Damage Amplifier.


Might as well remove Clean Sweep as well.
Although, I feel like Clean Sweep should work like it did in CI3, where every wave had Clean Sweep, but it was worth less.

Perhaps this can satisfy those who won’t miss a single UFO scrap?


don’t forget to remove “firepower” and “weapon switch”


and prevent keys from dropping too


Something I’ve always wondered: How at “Cardinality of Four” wave enemies can change even at the same wave\mission? Like I flew a mission multiple times and other waves have the same variant\enemies while this wave changed.

Also how about adding pecking order at “Energy Fences” wave?

At waves like “Under Pressure” were you are forced to move at specific places or stay at only one place like “Corridor Shooter”, it’s really hard to collect food there, so how about making the food\coins affected by barriers? Like can’t pass through them.

I sended to you.

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The Replacements should be fine.

The reason for removing Pecking Order bonus when a superweapon is used is to discourage using it on waves where pecking order is impossible to obtain without using such. Some pecking order on waves are adjusted to make it much easier to obtain (like goldenboss’ suggestion) and expecting more.

Clean Sweep should be as well.

Firepower/weapon switch? Just shoot enemies where it’ll be dropped on obtainable position lol.

Removing keys? They yield no points though and can be ignored in competitive missions to focus on other bonuses. Also, they’re already abundant.

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  1. Is there a Battle Pass planned in the game?
  2. Will a new temporary currency be introduced, which can be used to buy unique items (for example, skins for weapons or unique ships)?

I think that the CHL is basically a Battle Pass.

Well, there already are keys, but maybe coins (the ones you collect in-game) will play a better role in the future?

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Because it’s the only(?) wave where enemies are created progressively (and not all at once). So if anything happens during the wave to cause the randomizer to become out of sync, enemies will change from that point onward.



It’s on my list, but I need write code to reset spacecraft names first (it doesn’t exist)

Changed in v.85 :medal_sports: Idea, however I think this might create bug reports similar to “I didn’t get the clean sweep even though I killed all enemies”. The underlying issue is that special weapons are no longer just missiles, so using a special weapon doesn’t necessarily mean you kill all enemies (or, in fact, any of them).


What doesn’t exist?


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iA, at Chicks ‘n’ Chickens wave(zoomed-out variation): The big group in the middle need to be reduced by -1 phase because it’s making the wave longer. Also its initial appearance is making the Pecking Order hard to get.

Well, I agree, although iA said this once:


Ok, thanks for informing.

Also this change confuse me:

Does that mean we have to explore the galaxy again? There will be new missions? Because I don’t get the “same seed” part.

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Although the Destruction meter are now fades out, the meter bar are still getting the way to look. Maybe make the meter bar a little fade out?

Regarding galaxy regeneration… Will the current mission locations be obsolete?

Changed in v.85 :medal_sports: Idea

No. Nothing has changed, as far as players are concerned.

Hmm… No.


Also “Gladiator” wave is too long, it should be reduced -2 groups(no medal needed).

I have an idea
when it is april fools day instead of playing the regular title screen play the old chicken invaders 2 theme

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