Early Access version 55.3

Especially asteroids, plasma is just a weakling against it, since it’s slow respond time, like the asteroids are moving fast, it took like 2 hits just to render
https://youtu.be/eYdnyskN31U Here is the vid: start at 1:38 to see this
Plasma is being wack this whole entire time

Given plasma’s other benefits, a “slow response time” is an acceptable trade-off


It has nothing to do with firepower amount, it’s the same if it’s lvl 0 or max lvl, Plasma (and sometimes Positron) can destroy Cowards & Slobs without allowing them to throw wastes, so if you have a weapon like Riddler it will throw wastes a lot of time and you can’t move at “Corridor Shooter” so it’s kinda unfair that you can’t get “Clean Sweep” at this wave and have to let them go just because you don’t have Plasma.

It would change the direction of the enemies & barriers.

Ok, I stepped through frame-by-frame. It’s not a desync issue. The chicken is just outside your Plasma’s locking cone. It looks like it’s inside because the beam undulates (this is only a visual effect, it doesn’t actually affect collision).

ok, inter, it always been like this

Chickens has all of the colors but it doesn’t have any black or white colors.
so can we have chickens with white gray brown and black shirts ?

How about mirrored versions of:

  • Slice of Chicken Pie.
  • On the Radar.
  • Berserkers.
  • Surfing the wave.
  • Nickties are cool.
  • Bad Sector.
  • Taking turns/Wait your turn.
  • To Infinity and Beyond.

Also are you planning to add popcorn waves from CI5 & enemies from CI3 like egg drone/eggship?


Oh it will be so great

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Are you using CIU ambient/intense theme as your in-mission music? That is, have you mounted it in the “wave music” or “boss music” slot in the Mission Config screen?

I don’t think that every one of those waves, if ever adjusted to have a mirrored version deserves an individual medal each. Just only one would be enough. It’s very similar to the spelling bug hunting spree, imo.

Given on this post.

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@InterAction_studios please read This if it’s possible

I think if this be add to CIU it will be so great

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They should also have some new attacks/abilities so they can be distinguished.


This wave is already effectively symmetrical.

Added to v.56

Can’t, due to technical reasons.

Added to v.56

Added to v.56

This wave is already effectively symmetrical.

Added to v.56

Too complex to be worth it.

They’re on the list, but they’re very low-priority because they require wave-specific textures.


wouldn’t it be cool to have IA as a secret boss in CIU

Like this?

i thought some things should be done in a certain order to get to that boss, like the scott cawthon boss in fnaf world, and when you defeat him you get a special trophy called you beat the developer

Its an idea about the suit battery of the henperor

When his health goes down the battery level go down too like this :
HelpfulSomeCrayfish-size_restricted or this
From green … to red .


Unnecessary. We already have a health bar at the top. We don’t need 2 health indicators.

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Not necessary m8