Early Access version 118

It’s a really bad randomizer run. I see that it’s going to all be Budgets until the 29th (Pot Luck) :frowning:

Yes, but it only counts your first victory in the stats. If I delete the history, it’s going to count it twice.

Or perhaps you’re just playing a game? :smirk:


Ah i understand. A victory mission will be counted to the process of all mission the galaxy, right?

Hmm, this is too hard for you. If there are too much things arise from the change for keyrush, i have 2 ways for you:
1- Can you reset those keyrush mission like “reset data” ? That’s mean player will lose anything collected from that mission (like medals, keys, foods, scores,…). Yes i know, this is so crazy because this may cause key and food count to negative number. So idk do everyone agree with this? :neutral_face:
2- Do reset all keyrush mission like @ChickenGaming said before (but don’t do that in per month because someone will spawm too much keys each month) in here:

P/s: We have to promise together that we should’t hope to reset galaxy to get new keyrush missions :grimacing:

Changing missions in planets doesn’t deserve a galaxy-wide reset though.

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Yes, i know
It’s unnecessary, right?

Irrelevant, cuz people can’t fly this mission again. Taking their collections away would be a shame specially for those players who played all keys rushes.

Just a weird suggestion:
What if there’s a super rare chance to see a secret level where chests appear instead of meteors in Meteor Storm?

It’s a secret…

Fair point. I was too focused on the balance instead of variousity. But I still think you should have some more rework to improve the mechanism. Because:

You defined the bonus only by the ratio of the most used weapon. This is reasonable, because if you use more weapons and more balanced, that value will tend to be smaller, which result in a larger total bonus. But it’s isn’t all-rounded yet, as I pointed out above.

It’s hard to find a function showing both number of weapons used and how unbalanced are their usages. I will try later.


That’s boring. Unless you meant that the hero himself is playing a game in VR along other recruits.

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Interesting idea, but it would only take a few hours before a list of all locations was made public each month, and everyone would swarm to them.

How about this: Key Rushes appear on random planets per user. Every X planet explored will have a Key Rush mission, randomized for each user.

Uh well
I have thought again about way 1. Imagine how will the negative number count as low as it can because some people spent too much foods/keys
So maybe way 2 is better, you can skip way 1

I made something.


slob squash

While zooming out from the galaxy, this error pops up.
This also rarely happened after I click on “All-time Best”.


Since i made this topic about add some possible bosses to DT, but iA denied me because of “hard work” and boss variations. Although i decided to skip The Henperor’s Apprentice, i still had something to say about The Apple Core after iA’s replying.

Anyways, i have just thought 2 new bosses which possible to add to Double Team. What’s those bosses? Join this poll here:

Which bosses you want to add to Double Team mission?
  • The Wobble Yolk (the yolk from “The Yolk Star™” boss)
  • “It’s Mother hen-ship!” boss (but it will be reduced its size)
  • Yes, both of two them
  • No, too hard
0 voters

Edit: “It’s mother hen-ship” boss will appear from the top edge of the screen just like other bosses, but it will be reduced its size, maybe its size will be as long as half the edge of the horizontal screen (or longer a little)
Also, i said the wobble yolk, not its eggship. So please don’t get wrong mind

@InterAction_studios I suggest using normalisations but to the previous largest ratio:

+) Example: Usage of 0,4 : 0,3 : 0,2 : 0,1 (arranged from high to low)
- 0,4 results in 1% bonus
- 0,3 results in (0,3/0,4) x 1% = 0,75% bonus
- 0,2 results in (0,2/0,3) x 1% = 0,67% bonus
- 0,1 results in (0,1/0,2) x 1% = 0,5% bonus
- Total bonus: 1 + 0,75 + 0,67 + 0,5 = 2,92%
+) Example: Usage of 0,4 : 0,2 : 0,2 : 0,2 (more balanced than above ratio I think)
- 0,4 results in 1% bonus
- 0,2 results in (0,2/0,4) x 1% = 0,5% bonus
- 0,2 results in (0,2/0,2) x 1% = 1% bonus
- 0,2 results in (0,2/0,2) x 1% = 1% bonus
- Total bonus: 1 + 0,5 + 1 + 1 = 3,5%
+) Example: 0,4 : 0,2 : 0,2 : 0,1 : 0,1 (more weapons, should results in larger bonus)
- 0,4 → 1%
- 0,2 → 0,5%
- 0,2 → 1%
- 0,1 → 0,5%
- 0,1 → 1%
- Total: 4% (hell yes)
+) Example: 0,4 : 0,2 : 0,1 : 0,1 : 0,1 : 0,1
→ Total 1 + 0,5 + 0,5 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 5% (hell yes)
+) Example: 0,3 : 0,2 : 0,2 : 0,1 : 0,1 : 0,1 (more balanced)
→ Total 1 + 0,67 + 1 + 0,5 + 1 + 1 = 5,17% (hell yes)
+) Example : 0,2 : 0,2 : 0,2 : 0,2 : 0,1 : 0,1 (even more balanced)
→ Total 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 0,5 + 1 = 5,5% (hell yes)
If you pick up a 7th weapon and use it least, the relative proportion of each previous ratio pair remains the same, so the total bonus will definately increase.

What if you picked up a new weapon and not used it least? Let’s consider the example below:
+) You used 4 weapons in ratio 0,3 : 0,3 : 0,2 : 0,2 and the current total bonus is 1 + 1 + 0,67 + 1 = 3,67%
+) You later picked up a 5th weapon and finally used it for 20% of the remaining mission time. The ratio 0,3 : 0,3 : 0,2 : 0,2 is now recalculated to the 80% first time of the mission, which result in the final usage ratio of 0,24 : 0,24 : 0,16 : 0,16 : 0,2.
+) Let’s rearrange it to 0,24 : 0,24 : 0,2 : 0,16 : 0,16. Now the final total bonus is 1 + 1 + 0,83 + 0,8 + 1 = 4,63% (woohoo!)
+) If you used the 5th weapon for 40% of the time, the new ratio will be 0,18 : 0,18 : 0,12 : 0,12 : 0,4, rearranged to 0,4 : 0,18 : 0,18 : 0,12 : 0,12. The new bonus will be 1 + 0,45 + 1 + 0,67 + 1 = 4,12% (which is larger than 3,67% and smaller than 4,63%!)

Consider a very unbalanced ratio of 0,8 : 0,1 : 0,1 → 1 + 0,125 + 1 = 2,125% bonus (rounded to 2,13%)
If you picked up a 4th weapon and just used it 10% last game, the new ratio will be 0,72 : 0,09 : 0,09 : 0,1; rearranged to 0,72 : 0,1 : 0,09 : 0,09 → The new bonus is 1 + 0,14 + 0,9 + 1 = 3,04% (still good huh?)

So generally you will have to rearrange usage ratio to x : y : z : t… (x > y > z > t > …), then the function will be (1 + y/x + z/y + t/z + …) x 1%. This ensure that:
+) Bigger gaps in the usage ratio (which imply unbalance) will result in smaller proportion of maximum 1% bonus added.
+) Every usage percentage will participate in the function as a variable, not only the highest one like yours.
+) Every new weapon picked up will add to the total bonus, since it add a proportion in the function.
+) If you used n weapons, the bonus range will be (n-1)% to n%. This mean the number of weapons used is considered prior to the balance of the usage. The usage balance will only determine the exact value in that range, near (n-1)% for unbalanced usage and almost n% for balanced usage.

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My dude, I think that’s enough math for today


Yeah that def cannot be a meme.

Agree, better let iA test his own version for at least one update before making more balance changes.

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Your computer ran out of memory: 🛠 Troubleshooting - #5 by InterAction_studios

Good idea. I’ll try it.
Doesn’t work well. A ratio of 1 : 0.9 : 0.9 : … : 0.9 over 15 weapons will give a bonus of 14,9%, while a ratio of 1: 0.1 : 0.1 : … : 0.1 will give 14,1%, although it’s clear that these two do not represent approximately equally balanced usage.


Well, if you test 15 weapons, the bonus will definitely range from 14% to 15%. It will get near 14% for unbalanced usage and almost 15% for balanced usage. So you need a bigger nerf for that 0,1s case? If you nerf it, there will definitely be overlaps between bonus range of number of weapons used. I reckon you want to nerf it down to somewhere near the base 1%?

Some recommended workarounds:
+) Maybe we can set a varible critical value, weapons whose usage time below that will be ignored from the function (in other words, they’re considered not significant enough to be calculated in the bonus). I’m thinking on the function for it, should be dependent on the number of weapons used (n).

  • Firstly, you want those 0,1s to not be calculated in the function I suppose (the bonus will be nerfed down to 1%)? Then the critical value must be higher than that.
  • I will normalise those ratio to the sum of 100%. It will be 0,41(6) : 0,041(6) (x 14 times).
  • A simple yet extreme solution is that just take the average number as the critical value. It will be 1/15 = 0,0(6) and you can safely ignore all those 0,1s.
  • Doing so, let k be the number of weapons whose usage time above average, the bonus range will then be (k-1)% to k%.
    → This can be very brutal because it will ignore all weapons usage below average. Usage of 0,51 : 0,49 or 0,36 : 0,32 : 0,32 or 0,28 : 0,24 : 0,24 : 0,24… will all result in 1% bonus.
  • Workaround of workaround: We might need to calculate the critical value again or have a separate function for the ratio ignored.
  • I think choosing the critical value somewhere between 1/2n and 1/n² might work better.
  • Or, we can separately use the same function for the ignored numbers, but times it to a proportion to nerf it, I suggest just half them. That 14 0,1s will be 14% and then halved down to 7%, so the total bonus will be 8%.

Hmm… You still want the bonus to range from 1% to n% for n weapons used instead of (n-1)% to n%?