Early Access version 112

IA, please make all coins drop from eggshell instead of floating in wave “Eggshell Fields”. I almost got killed when getting coin in lower corners!


Its kinda dumb but can you add 2 different gatling to both Special Forces (Gatling egg) and Party Chicken (Gatling laser) in Chicken Exponentiality?

You cant.

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add a danger zones for every other part in the wave bec players won’t predict that this wave have 3 parts
Braided assault

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have you noticed about danger zone in effervescene wave yet? there still have danger zone, but not exactly danger :tada:

IA, I’ve noticed that during the Harpin’ Turn wave, when all the enemies (INCLUDING BALLOON CHICKENS) are taken down, the safebox, still remaining last, doesn’t disappear almost immediately as it should. Can you change it?

iA, can you add a “Danger Zone!” or “Safe Zone” text on “The Tresury”, “Efferverscence”, “Stacker” and “Visitors From Another Dimension” wave? Because… you know, colorblind people.


Add Safe Sone to Panzer Strike (in the middle of the screen)


Already suggested man




All this, your eyes are out of light screen, you should take a rest @RainbowBoyVN

What do you want?

Nothing I clicked name mistake

excuse me? where’s the link?

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that can make the game unbalanced and players soon will become bored when they died too much :slightly_frowning_face:

Well the Special Forces looks fine after some thinking. but seriously Party time peformes bad.

I highly doubt someone have died much from it. But I can’t protest against the votes.

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especially the first time they encountering it

There’s no links

u kidding with us? :slightly_smiling_face: