Early Access version 114

So can the fire satellites, apparently.

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I mean it got declined by IA.

This also put me in question
In some waves, if Safe Zone and Danger zone writings are out of the screen, how can colorblind people identify if if’s Safe Zone or a Danger one?

I think the words “Safe zone” and “Danger zone” are fixed at the center of the circles, but a possible solution is using a different pattern for the circles, like dots (. . . .) instead of - - - -.

Sadly, iA declined

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Idea: in double team, the music should be a random selection of boss themes for each mission instead of CIU title theme for all.


Okay, this probally my last idea for the next version.

After all 4 music is out, can you make the current CIU boss music for Dr. Beaker only? CIU boss music will replaced by the new “Hugo the Great” boss music.

This one is probally will be unfair since it’s depend on weapon you used.

What option is better for “Weapon virtuosity” bonus?
  • Disable on competitve mission
  • Remove it
  • Keep it as current

0 voters


Can we have a custom cursor option?

Use normal In-game cursor when enable


Satellites equipped appear already in place instead of coming with the ship at the start of a mission. Is it worth fixing?

I agree with you, but I don’t think the bonus should be disabled in competitive missions, it should be reworked.

Weapon virtuosity should be a bonus that increases every time the player switches their weapon with a different one and not a fixed amount given by playing with the same weapons


Remove or Disabling it in Competitive would mean that on the particular case of Boss Rushes that have no multikills, it would be possible for players to share the exact score. Which benefits nobody.

I’d rather say keep it the same for now, I don’t know any way of reworking it. The only thing I’d like to have removed is “Unoriginality Penalty”. That one imo, is just pretty useless. So what if I want to replay a mission a million times?

By the way, can we get “I’ll be back!” boss to the boss rushes? Or on dares? I don’t know if it has been suggested before.

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No, because this boss is secret

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Comet color in environment back to normal
  • Yes,we need comet color back to normal
  • No,this is fine

0 voters

Who agree comet color back to normal(no medal here)

Why would you rather see the comet color back to normal?

May I know the reason of this change? it’s excellent.

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so since the idea was denied let’s make a poll
shoud the Spawn spinner have an anomally zone?

  • Yes!!!
  • no

0 voters

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iA ,can you add Chinese Food as a cuisine ?