CIU's League Challenge - Phase 2

I am looking forward to it!


I actually took some time trying to kill “Its the Mother Hen Ship” and died once there too. Damn it!


Attention Please to all recruits and challengers
CC-S1’s Forum has been officially opened for CC#4 today.

Please check it out here :point_right: CC#4’s Official Announcement

Have fun out there in CC-S1’s Forum, all competitors of CC.


Meanwhile when CC#4 was officially opened, back to the CLC’s side.

Unknown challenger has challenged TheGoldenBoss128 for getting through a supernova section by avoid all supernova debris incoming. But it seems is gonna be too hard, so he will give an extra rule by “don’t shoot a weapon more than 15 times in each waves”.

If you beat his challenge, he will be pissed off and sent this :medal_sports: for you before he’s flee.

Challenge : Try to avoid all supernova debris in supernova section

:warning: Warning : As unknown challenger said, don’t make his challenge failed by cheating on the other way.

Recommended : Use a weapon that can fire only once, not an automatic.

Good Luck and welcome back, @SA-GoldenBoss128


Thank you, welcome back too :wink:

Now to the challenge:

Done, I didn’t even shot a single one:

See, I got 0 points until the boss. I also didn’t use specials or satellites:

However, I used Positron during boss fight but I don’t think the weapon rule matter here.


Great Job, @SA-GoldenBoss128
You completed unknown challenger’s challenge by didn’t use something like cheating. He’s leave something for you before he flee cause you beat his challenge.

I know that unknown challenger is suspicious about his behavior but I will keep find him again for more information.

Here’s your reward


A challenge for @Eugenolabrium

boss rush speedrun - beat my time record (1:29)
*no overheating
*no special weapons
*no switching of weapons, use your primary weapon (only collect firepower)
*if you fly unprepared, you will get an extra bonus

A dare match will be sent to you


Remember, if he pass your challenge, told him to add me for contact. After that, I will prepare a challenge for this newbie.

Keep going, @ThisIsChristianF : Senior Challenger of CLC.

And keep completed the competition of CC#4 if you wanted to be the first place. I’m still watching all progress of competitors on CC-S1’s Forum.


Another challenge has been prepared for Alice_De_Uruguay. If you have a freetime, please complete this challenge to earn this :medal_sports: for the first time.

Challenge : Complete a round in darkness section with your favorite weapon :zap:0

Good Luck, @Alice_De_Uruguay

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Good, @Alice_De_Uruguay
All recruits must prove more skills and tactical to be a challenger like you, and the other challengers too.

Keep working on here to be the best challenger of CLC and CIU’s universe in the future.

Here’s your reward


KaizoKaioticVN is taking a rest from CLC’s Phase 1 for a long time, but now CLC is back online as phase 2. He know that a great challenge might back to prepare himself for complete it again.

This time he got some unprepared challenge from Bounty Hunter “Jason V. Yikerston”, the greatest hunter of the CIU’s universe. He wanted KaizoKaioticVN use a newest spaceship “Muller” with some HUD like destruction meter and point indicator, equipped with Utensil Poker started from :zap:0 and don’t equip any satellites to complete this unprepared challenge.

Challenge : Complete this match by bounty hunter’s rule

:warning: Warning : If one of rule from bounty hunter got caught by cheating, this challenge will be count as failed entirely.

Good Luck and Welcome back, @KaizoKaioticVN

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Don’t forget about that results, @KaizoKaioticVN
You will miss this :medal_sports: if you didn’t send a proof to me first.

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I followed your request but it seems I forgot the proof


After he completed bounty hunter’s challenge, Bounty Hunter impressed to his tactical and capable. He give this medal “:medal_military: Unprepared Challenge from Jason V. Yikerston, Bounty Hunter of CIU” to KaizoKaioticVN, and thanks to him before he takeoff and jump into hyperspace to back his home.

It’s fine, @KaizoKaioticVN
But next time please prepare some proof to me again when you complete each challenge.

I glad to see you again when CLC’s Phase 1 has been offline for 1 month.

Here’s your reward


Attention Please

CC-S1’s Forum has been announcement about CC#4’s Result. Committee of CC has reveal for the winners of CC#4 for now.

For all competitors of CC, please check it here to find out who’s the winner of this CC
:point_right: CC#4’s Result Announcement

Good Luck out there, all folks


After Competition Challenge#4 has been completed, CC-S1’s Forum is taking a break to prepare for the next competition incoming in the future.

As Chimmo has been won in this CC#4, he will get a promoted his rank by complete this serious challenge and he must beat it once again like he participate in this CLC too.

Challenge : Try not to lost any dare points in friendly match

:warning: Warning : Your spaceship was replaced into Muller, your weapon has been replaced with Lightning Fryer and your skill was replaced into “Veteran”.

If you beat this challenge, you will promoted your rank into “Challenger” for the first time.
Good Luck, @Chimmo

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The next challenge is prepare for Ardhane271, can he survive from this?

Challenge : Defeat all bosses in Boss Rush’s environment without being crashed from lightning bolts at least 3 times

Watch out for these environment (:zap: and :snowflake:) to make your best time record’s interrupted.
Good Luck, @Ardhane271

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“We got a task for you, @Bigmos49216. We need you to deliver this thingy x to [REDACTED]. By the way, deliver it with a bomber, bring nothing but your trusty corn shotgun. Don’t worry much, we scanned your path and it only littered by meteors flying around with very low speed…maybe. Good luck.” -UHF Arcade

Mission: Complete the delivery by going through the asteroid belt.

:warning: Restrictions:

  • Fly unprepared
  • Can only use bomber
  • Can only use corn shotgun


To UHF Arcade

"I accepted to deliver that thing to your destination, and I know that I must use spaceship like BX to complete this task.

Please be patience after I’m done with my business first, I will complete your task right away soon."

Sincerely, Bigmos
President, Owner of CLC and Committee of CC

:white_check_mark: Challenge Accepted

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