Weapon Reskin Library V2.0

Whoa there, calm down bud, that’s kind of an overestimation. 1,000? Maybe. 11,000? Not a chance.

Those are not the same things.

If you would like to leak CIU source code you would need to hack in IA device where he has the source code saved. You can’t get source code just by hacking the game. There’s something like decompiler, but the only thing you would accomplish is get binary code which you can kind of convert to programming code, but it won’t be like source code. For example things might straight not work anymore and you can’t recover comments in the code. And we know for sure that IA uses it. Uses comments as a to-do list which is weird flex for me, but whatever works for him.

Wait, really?

700+ items.

How much has been covered?

It’s not really about cracking the game’s code since the code is in CIU.exe and the game files are in separate archives (CIU.dat.hq2x, CIU.dat.language.v2.hq2x and CIU.dat.shaders.hq2x)

Ah, sorry. I misunderstood. But point still stands. It would be nigh impossible that someone would manage to edit the workings of the games and even if that does happen, they would get kicked out of the server and the report would go to iA as in the case of the weapon excels. So CIU won’t be at major risk of having the data values of enemies and other things tampered with easily.

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It isn’t bad, but it’s rather funny


@Kylo-Hen Hm, by the way, why not add polls of series 2 reskins on this topic?

Yes, indeed, it just became popular so easily in a month.

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I don’t know if that would really provide very useful information.


Yo Kylo, can I bring some skin suggestions?

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You’re absolutely welcome to - you can even post your own designs, if you want!

I’m not currently updating the Library with new content, though, so don’t expect them to get added to the main post. But feel free to share!


@Kylo-Hen Can you add mad painter, on the cob and absolvar beam mod? Please.

Impossible. The issue is that those reskins will need to use in game code to function, which only iA has. So if iA decides to add the reskins in the near future then you may have a chance to see them. (seriously, now please don’t nag iA to add the skins. he has a life too.)




SpryterTerraxian is correct.

That said, if you want a weapon that changes colour with every shot, you can always check out “Sweet Corn”. :wink:


Some weapon skins of @Kylo-Hen


But the Absolver’s texture is monochrome


How can you modded corn? Please give me this mod.

Which modded corn?