🚀 Spacecraft Designer's Contest

NOT to be confused with Post your spacecraft! and Post your paintjob!


:tada: Welcome to the Spacecraft Designer’s Contest!:rocket: :tada:

This is the topic where you can submit your spacecraft’s paintjob in a contest against other paintjobs from other contestants with 16 total submissions every tournament with 4 submissions that’ll be pitted against each other in each round. As such there are 5 rounds every tournament. Each round lasts three days long.

Users can submit only ONE submission of their choice per tournament. The submissions MUST include a full screenshot of your in-game screen featuring your intended design at the center or they will NOT be accepted.

To prevent paintjobs of different spacecraft families from entering the same round, paintjobs from only one family of spacecraft are allowed per tournament. The spacecraft family will be specified in future announcements.

Plagiarism will get you disqualified for the next 3 tournaments. Repeating this mistake will lead to a PERMANENT disqualification
If you identify a potentially plagiarized design, be sure to link both posts as spacecraft Originality is greatly appreciated.

Any forum user, EXCEPT the spacecraft designers can vote for their favorite paintjob among the submissions.

Civil and constructive discussion is allowed as well some silly jokes as long as they don’t form text chains. Threats, hate speeches, NSFW backstories, harassment, remorseless and repeated insults towards other users, will get you disqualified for the rest of the tournament but you can enter the next tournament. However, repeated offences will lead to exponentially longer disqualifications and on the 3rd major offence, will lead to a permanent disqualification.

Rules are subject to change and such changes will be announced. Feel free to express your thoughts about these rules in a civil and constructive manner.

Added on August 30th 2021:

Players are allowed to post modded spacecraft as alternatives or jokes, but they will not be eligible for qualification.

Usage of alternate accounts to increase voting power WILL lead to disqualification from the next three tournaments, repeating this mistake will lead to a PERMANENT disqualification

Added on September 2nd 2021:

If you REALLY want to have multiple submissions, please put the design that you are the most confident in first, followed by other designs. Designers, please think this through carefully, reconsideration of designs during a tournament is not permitted.

So think outside the box and go crazy and experiment with new looks and color schemes!
Backstories and reasonings are optional but extra effort is always appreciated!

And always, May the Forks be with you all! :fork_and_knife:


The contest is in it’s testing phase.

Test 1. Voting system: Be sure to give your votes on the examples.

Example A:
Example B:
Example C:

Which is better
  • A
  • B
  • C

0 voters



It is time to decide how long the voting process will last for each round.

  • Other (tell the amount in a reply)
  • 3 days
  • 2 days
  • 1 day

0 voters

Think carefully about this…

Sounds pretty cool, more community competitions on forums is pretty dope too

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gonna put in my spacecraft backstory about how a bomber was used as a meth lab and as a base for a cannibal cult

Ok seriously who’s going to do that don’t you think you’re just slightly too overkill on the rules now

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I guess many players are imitating Orville the Orca spacecraft design lol


My unoriginality penalty is way too high for this contest

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I really like this idea, hoping it won’t die like the comunity boss concept.
Maybe I will partecipate in a future tournament.
I’m not really motivated into playing ciu right now.

Just a question: who can vote? Only contestants or everyone in the forum?

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indent preformatted text by 4 spaces

Aside from the people who submit the spacecraft designs, everyone else can vote.



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The poll for the duration of the voting process will close in 32 hours


hype : D

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Only 3 hours remain until the poll closes, be sure to give your votes here:

Edit: Only 30 mins remains!

Time up!!!

It’s great contest, finally something noteworthy, maybe I will participate.

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The duration of the voting process has been decided to be 3 days long for each round.

Some changes to the rules will be made:

  1. Players are allowed to post modded spacecraft as alternatives or jokes, but they will not be eligible for qualification.
  2. Usage of alternate accounts to increase voting power WILL lead to disqualification from the next three tournaments, repeating this mistake will lead to a PERMANENT disqualification

Be sure to let me know what do you think about these new rules in a reply.


Announcement: The testing phase of the contest is over!! The contest has begun!! Submissions for the Muller family of spacecraft are now open!!

Be sure to crank up the creativity up to 11 and experiment with new colors!

Good luck everyone, and May the Forks be with you all!


what i dont have muller i have heavy bomber

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