Early Access version 95

Those warning lines need to be less blurred out and have a secondary color scheme to differentiate itself further from the background.

We’ll see how well this fix works, it should probably be an improvement to the current multiplayer experience.

I still think that we could still have a highlighter for the player’s ship only.

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  • bug:
    when thunder cluck is defeated while he is doing a attack the sound continues even after his death

Hmm, couldn’t there be a droid mission on the hamburger menu? (although it’s unlikely there could be a droid mission, because some space burgers might have a droid in them)

Small idea:

When you are quitting a multiplayer game, the screen (everything except the “Leave Game” window) slowly fades to black and sound slowly turn into silent until you have fully left the game. (Like when you’re passing out)

And cancel quit fades back smoothly.


:shushing_face: Do not say bad things. Promise to be polite

Can you put the idea of ​​making the desired step in the v.96 update ???The new idea : Build the desired stage

stfu he already commented on it

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That would create problems with slow spacecraft that can’t follow mouse instantly.

Fixed in v.96 :medal_sports: Bug

Fixed in v.96 :medal_sports: Bug

Already fixed.

That would make private games visible in the list to everyone.

I fear that any highlight strong enough to make your spacecraft stand out would also interfere with visibility of enemy bullets.

There are 5 graduations to the “darken” setting. You can even make everyone else completely black.

Known. Won’t fix.

No. I already said this would be a very big change.


This could be solved by adding enemy projectile highlighters, so this could be a good opportunity to add them along with a player ship highlighter.

Both of these ideas were resuggested from @trueuser’s ideas, so they should get the medal.

What about making a ghost spaceship (100% invisible and can’t use any weapon or satelites) when a zombie
Or basically making the light follow the cursor if the spaceship died, then follow the spaceship when it comes back.

  • :bug: Multiplayer: Darkness now expands only for local player’s weapons/damage. Special weapons and lightning still affect everyone (@iIfireIi :medal_sports: Bug)

Just checking, did you also make sure that spaceship crash still affect everyone?

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ok I understand what you mean :weary:

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The Galactic Cup tutorial for group phase should be updated.

Also regarding tutorials, can you split this to two sections:


  • Dares against better-ranked recruits are worth more points.
  • More difficult dares worth more points.
  • The better your score is compared to your opponent, the more points you earn.
  • Unanswered dares expire after 3 days (but they are still worth some points). (I think this is important enough to show the exact amount of 3 days instead of just saying expire)
  • You can dare your Contacts to “friendly matches” that don’t affect your rating.


  • You can only dare recuits that are ranked similarly to you.
  • You can only dare a particular recruit once per day.
  • You cannot dare a recruit while your previous dare to the same recruit is in progress.
  • You cannot dare recruits that have not logged in for the past 3 days.
  • There is a daily limit to how many recruits you can dare in total.
  • You can decline a dare for points with no penalty. After declining a dare, you must play at least one dare for points from any darer before you are allowed to decline again.
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Who’s going to ignore that now?

“Hamburger” menu isn’t actually a hamburger, it’s just the menu on the galaxy screen on the top-left.

little idea
can we reverse the attack direction of this wave


That can be good

We got too many mirror wave so no.

Then let’s blame The Henperor apprentice and planetary egg city for this. (Insert any bosses if I forgot to mention)

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chicken multiplicity and exponentaly


Can anyone explain why??

If use BX9 with highest brightness like this, i cant play any mission