Early Access version 95

You have to wait until the next day. If he doesn’t, DM him.

Hmm, I had just been received the medal in this morning.

I guess you forgot this idea existed. Imma repost it because many users supported this.

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IA can ship move when you are typing in multiplayer please?

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Add it to setting to be changeable Because I don’t want it move.


Suggested in before:

Why my English is still bad?



I find 2 problems in notifications :
1.Every time that my friend exploded in a multiplayer mission it notifications are shown!
(At the first he was playing a multiplayer mission and he had just one heart , next he exploded are game notified me that your friend was defeated , next he clicks on the page several times and comes up to game again , then game notified me that he is flying that mission again , then he exploded again and it notified me that he was defeated , and every time he exploded game is notifing me …)
2.If my friend and I are playing the same mission in multiplayer it is notifing me!!!
(Why should it notify me when I am seeing him!?)


if you run out of lives in multiplayer,it will count defeat even mission complete

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What the…


I’m actually supposed to get 6th place, not 8th!

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That mission is based on score, not time.


Are you stupid? It’s a space race!

It’s still wrong if you count this
9m score in 8th but 11m score is in 9th
It’s still a bug

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Ok, shared.

Fixed in v.96 :medal_sports: Bug

I couldn’t find you. Awarded now.

I did see it, however it would be of very limited use unless there was a way to see enemies strength or weaknesses, and that would be a much bigger change.

No, it can’t. Sorry.

Well, yes. If you join and leave a game multiple times, it’s reasonable to get multiple notifications.

The notifications are generic and have no knowledge of who’s playing with who.

Indeed. Investigating.


i think the assassin chick just got angry and aimed at the person who damaged it first in multiplayer

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Ok, this is because the ranking excludes disqualified missions (as it should), but the “time” column wrongly includes them. Your ranking is correct – it’s just that the time is wrong.

Fixed in v.96 :medal_sports: Bug


Gee, calm down


I’ve checked out multiplayer and the problem of things being too chaotic still persists.
I really do want to point out that once the novelty of chaotic multiplayer wears off, multiplayer will be seen as too chaotic with too much going on-screen and it could once again lead to a downfall of CIU’s popularity.

I strongly believe that there can still be efforts made in order to make multiplayer less frustrating to play by making other player’s ships and their weapons translucent along with adding a highlighter for the player’s ship only.

I’ll also add a poll to see what the rest of the community has to say about this

Should other players and their weapon effects be translucent along with the player having a highlight on their ship only?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


Do I get a medal called “Bug Exterminator”?

Sorry for the question, I just need to know