Early Access version 93

Well could it increase at final results/keys? Or at least key drop chance(during wave) increase the more players join? Like gifts and atoms.

No, because people could exploit that by joining dummy players and collecting their keys


I think the partial mission should not be counted in the win rate because it will drop drastically, I hope iA will fix it

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Can you make sure this flag is there when someone joins a multiplayer mission?
I know this is not necessary but it will make the game beautiful. Or it can be this image
instead of flag
Like this :

And IA can you block skill for multiplayer? (Just like space races and daily missions)
I mean in this mission config

i think this medal will add 75000 or even 100000 medal points instead of 50000 because of its difficultybtw this medal seems to sink into oblivion

iA said before:


Wow, this is the first time I just see a pending satellite that spins 90 degrees in the clockwise direction lol

a simple idea: “endless” mode, like you do one stage, and then you do another stage, the more stages completed means harder waves, perishables//Special weapons are prohibited, and you win 1 extra life every stage. key rewards should be low at start but high at higher difficulty levels.
at the end of the difficulty spectrum, there will be only epic waves, and hard bosses//Double team

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Oh, good morning this was reported a million times before!

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I found a big bug that is really easy to exploit

that is the footage of it
it’s a bug that makes every player with a call sign can play any mission they like

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I consulted many people in my group about this idea but most people rejected this idea because it would take away the boss music variety in the game. So I think it should stay the same and not be changed :thinking:

Is it necessary to change the retro boss music from CI4 Retro music to CI4 boss music?
  • No, keep it as is
  • Yes, change it

0 voters


Ultimate way: commission 2db to make a retro boss music


I have this question, will there be a Halloween update?


What does this have to do with you?

I answered your question

@InterAction_studios The danger zone on the Thundercluck wave is no longer needed

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How many times is this going to get mentioned?


If you use SSH skill then you dont have to care about this.

This is the 2nd time you asked that.

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So what of it?