Early Access version 93

it’s because you collected the firepower after the text appears


off topic but Thisistrueemail

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go spam my mail i dare you

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ok :slight_smile:

just kidding

for waves with anomalies, maybe the direction for where stuffs drops could be where the wave has the most players with the same anomaly instead of the bottom which will make collecting stuff actually possible on certain waves

Actually, I’ve indeed changed this in v.94 :medal_sports: Idea

Ah, yes. These phrases are coming from the host. So the host is using an untranslated language.

I can’t know for sure – but most likely what @trueuser suggested.

I can’t view your video. Make it public and I’ll investigate.

This is hard. But in v.94 it follows the host’s gravity, so at least it won’t fall straight down.


So iA, can you add more Balloon Chicken for military breed & regular breed

Imagining a slob baloon atm

Nice :ok_hand:


how about this:

No trophy for partial flew?

Galactic cup: Why there is no sun background (or whatever it call) in the massive mission (I forgot what to call it :upside_down_face:)

For obvious reasons, it should be.

it’s the same

Removed in v.94 :medal_sports: Idea

No, only for complete missions.

Sun is drawn for “hot”, not “massive”.


Well could it increase at final results/keys? Or at least key drop chance(during wave) increase the more players join? Like gifts and atoms.

No, because people could exploit that by joining dummy players and collecting their keys


I think the partial mission should not be counted in the win rate because it will drop drastically, I hope iA will fix it

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Can you make sure this flag is there when someone joins a multiplayer mission?
I know this is not necessary but it will make the game beautiful. Or it can be this image
instead of flag
Like this :

And IA can you block skill for multiplayer? (Just like space races and daily missions)
I mean in this mission config

i think this medal will add 75000 or even 100000 medal points instead of 50000 because of its difficultybtw this medal seems to sink into oblivion