Early Access version 82.2

IA, is this some kind of new feature or a bug?

If this is a new feature, can this be apply to HUD destruction meter?

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Stop ask that plz.


He’s a bot not a real person

@InterActionstudios can you add this?

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Another corridor


New bosses,right ???


NEW WAVES LETS GO! :partying_face:



The intention was that the alternative would be to maneuver past the barriers, but I see now there are some random layouts where this becomes difficult. Changed in v.83 :medal_sports: Idea

Added to v.83 :medal_sports: Idea


I kinda suggested something similar b4:

Also Assassins are a pain at “Hen Diagram” wave.

Should they be removed:
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
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Could this and the top left hud’s transparency be included in the Pro-Gamer mode?


Ugh, just had Gladiator with both waves of Toxic and Armored Chickens, worst experience in the game so far xD Saucer Chickens were annoying too. Maybe should be there a ban list of some chickens during that wave? (unless the changes in v83 will help with that, we’ll see)

Is it just me or corridors in Elevator Action are too tight? It gives me pre-nerf Fortress vibe.

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iA, how about when selecting image the squadrons’ order be alphabetical order?

At “Tag, you’re it!” wave: Could Anomalies be reversed? It’s so much hard to collect food because of them.

I’ve always wondered since CI5: Why the Alien at “Tribute” wave doesn’t attack? Also could the barriers at this wave be indestructible since they have a very long health?

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“Saucer Attack” wave with UFO blue alien enemies. In this version, on difficulty 100% it’s shooting projectile 1 times. But now I has an idea, can UFO blue alien has multi-shoot 1/2/3 times depend on difficulty?


Since it is a Space Invaders-based wave, Alien does represent an optional target that grants more points by destroying it and doesn’t attack like in the origin game.


can the player get like a bit more point from winning when being dared by somebody because it feels frustrating being dared by those random 500 dare point players and then only getting 1 dare point by winning


Or maybe try scoring the amount of dare points based on dare difficulty (ex. higher difficulty - higher points)

Medal shared.

I see no benefit in restricting them unnecessarily.

Where? Squadrons are already ordered alphabetically.

Granted, but the reverse leaves you defenseless (because you can’t shoot at the nearest enemies to your location). A poll is needed.

Because that particular enemy can’t move and attack simultaneously. The new saucer can, however. I’ll swap it.

Changed in v.83 :medal_sports: Idea

Difficulty increases fire rate, but it still only fires once. But it could be changed to fire twice or more, if people think it could stand to be more difficult.


iA, could you make the barriers in CI5’s Tribute invincible too?