Early Access version 75

Dick Clark disapproves


Hmm is fine but it should be 150%, then we will have a new skill

You know what? I have an idea. Put all the boss buff suggestion in another type of mission: Gold-Hearted

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I think the hardcore / tryhard buffs should be put on Virtuoso, SSH and if it exists, something going plus ultra on SSH.
Buffing across the board seems pretty overkill for people that can’t endure missions above base 75% difficulty. Also can we get a simple visual queue on which directions would shoot Mysterious Ship beyond the first shot when playing below Virtuoso?

My main concern is that it would be too unnoticeable if, every once in a while, one of the bullets ricocheted off and hit another enemy. It would certainly be nothing the player can predict of intend. It would just be equivalent to a slight damage buff.

Fixed in v.76 :medal_sports: Bug

Isn’t that below the minimum 4 enemies?

Added to v.76 :medal: Idea

Letterbox was made stricter in v.75. Turn it off if you want the old behaviour.

No, because simplicity.

I’ll change the medal. Where is your original post?

That’s… not easy. Choose between 1 always, or 2 always. Poll it if you need to.



How many yellow thick beams should the Egg Cannon shoot at once?
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 2147483648

0 voters

What about when lightning strikes in darkness missions, have it show all the chicken’s skeletons?

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you mean cheetos

Yes, those.

let the noobs have a chance

I remember making a picture long ago visualizing it. But I dunno if I have it.

EDIT: Nvm found it


Big chicken

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not a bug

Big chicken?

Agree, at least my idea doesn’t buff anything and it’s sound cool, i don’t want it to be locked because of touhou-transfering topic >:V
P/S: I don’t mean to trashtalking about pros, but they should care a bit for casual players and n.o.o.b.s as well.
P/S 2: Maybe @InterAction_studios should read this: New event idea: Insanity Destiny

The probability of ricocheting is too high in your picture – more than 50%. That’s almost a chaining mechanic. I was thinking of a much lower probability – 5-10% max.

Requires too many additional texture resources for too little benefit.


That could certainly work. (My photoshop skills weren’t the best back then.) :eye: Perhaps give a different sound to the bullets that hit other enemies?

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I’m saying that, although it looks impressive in your picture, it would look a lot less noticeable using a more realistic ricochet probability (5-10%). That’s all.

I don’t think that would help.


Well I just had some thinking, what if the bullets that Ricochet glow red? image
(kinda like here)


I’d just like to quietly and inconspicuously add my voice to the pile of people above who are stressing the idea of content > rigorous “balance” difficulty buffing.

I get that it’s hard, and that we probably want to leave EA soon, and I’m not sure I fully agree with the sentiment that just because more effort goes into an idea it’s inherently “better”, but all I know is that time spent effectively ping-ponging difficulty buffs/nerfs (sometimes in the space of a single update because it’s poorly thought-out and presents issues) is time that’s completely wasted. I’d rather see, even, one semi-complex idea get added before launch than a bunch of changes that don’t work.

And I think during Early Access this is ESPECIALLY important for two distinct reasons:

  1. Players during EA, and especially players during EA who give feedback on this forum (clearly not the whole active playerbase, if you look at the leaderboards) tend to represent the “creme of the crop” - the best of the best. We are not the best sample space for difficulty.
  2. We want the game to be accessible and interesting when EA launches. As nice as it would be to say “lets add the complex features once the game starts making money”, it’s also possibly that if there’s not enough to entertain people (or the difficulty is unrealistically skewed towards a niche audience) then the game may not even maintain a financially stable audience and could fail. It’s a scary possibility, but this even happens to Triple A titles when studios are like “Release Date! I don’t care if it’s half finished, we can fix it after launch”. A weak launch can kill a game that clearly has potential and interest - just ask No Man’s Sky.

I don’t enjoy being negative, but honestly, it’s getting scary that it feels like we’re very close to release and some of the “balance” changes are bordering on doing more harm then good. CIU needs to put its best foot forward if it wants to launch soon, which is very much the vibe I’m getting from the general nature of the latest updates.

tl;dr: Less difficulty buffs, and maybe just maybe some new content? A fun but unbalanced game is best balanced after launch with a wide playerbase, and a balanced but unfun game may not get the chance to prove that it can be fun.

(Disclaimer: I’m also not saying CIU isn’t fun, but it’s got a payment model that’s much more geared to long-term play rather than single experiences. This is the first time the Chicken Invaders franchise has to deal with Player Retention, and it’s one of the things I think might be a struggle if it’s not handled very well.)

(Disclaimer #2: Not pointing fingers at any specific community members here. Some of us are doing a better job than others, but we all need to focus on this and on doing it in a way that is respectful to one another. [And to iA]. :wink: )