Early Access version 75

I’ve almost shed a tear, y’know


So why “Look in all directions” wave has Pecking order? It is below 4 too.

I should get it too since you noticed from my suggestion as the rule said.

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Im gonna-

Please tell me you read iA’s rule.

sigh dude, mind showing how many bug and idea medals you have? You only reminded IA about it.

It’s ok, don’t worry :wink: I’m cool with it.

I wonder how many time it took you for that?

Well, maybe I’m good, what’s it to ya?

Yeah, and they’re my medals, they don’t affect you, why are you so mad about it? And read iA’s rule if you haven’t.


Just because you reminded IA about that specific idea, doesn’t mean you made it.
Why should you be given a medal too just for bringing it up? IA should make it so that only the original creator of the idea gets a medal. If you would’ve made the idea sure, it’s yours, but not when it isn’t.

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Medal farm. That’s all.


I didn’t know Fire suggest it b4.

No, because iA noticed it from my suggestion, if I didn’t suggest it, it wouldn’t have been added to the game, so I should get credit too. I don’t think that’s hard to understand.

Or else argument will happen more because of this unfair rule you want.

Wonder why he didn’t see it, probably that’s because you bombard him with 20 suggestions every single time.

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You did this…like…yes times. You did this to me twice, the SS infinity (I won’t call all out). Pretty sure you just want the medal.

Next time search it up before you do so.

Or you just want loop holes.

Don’t make me say that line~


When I became like that, Fire wasn’t back yet. Think of another thing.

I’m not forced to do so, waste of time.

You know what Ramon! Smell ya later(won’t remove it this time :smiling_imp:).

You naughty boy

God dammit stop stealing ideas Golden Boss


I don’t think iA will like it this time :stuck_out_tongue:


Are you kidding me? Of course you have to search up the original post! If you don’t bother to even do that then you’re just head-on stealing the respective idea(s)


No, I mean do I have to do that for every idea I suggest? That would be just ridiculous. Original suggestor should link their OP, it’s up to them.

me neither, so be prepared

Does it seriously hurt to do at least some research when suggesting an idea to make sure that its not already suggested, and if you don’t feel sure about it, it’s better to write something along the lines of “I might not be the first one to come up with this idea, but I think it might be cool nonetheless” than just assume you were the first.

Only when internet is crap I guess

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everything was fine until you kept farming medals with basically only difficulty buffs for bosses