Early Access version 75

Obviously they produce a different sound when hit so possible the explosion is different

LVL4 and Sphere were introduced in CI4 with no remake whatsoever, so it’s understandable for them to have different explosion effect. But the Egg Barrier, on the other hand was introduced in CI5 where most of Barriers also got a remake so I just don’t know how Egg Barrier have different explosion effect from the rest

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1- IA I can’t record this video but when I was playing Daily Mission (Easy), it was playing the CI3 Music 3. When this happened,

it continued playing the music. It should stop.
2- Can “Invulnerability Extension” be renamed to “Invulnerability Extender”?
3- Can the chick mini laser gun in “Chicken Exponentiality” fire up to 4 times on 140% difficulty?
4- Can the amount of people that the player dares reach to 10 people? 15 with CHL.

If so, do not add to the double team, add to the “multiplicity”. This wave has a big room like wave “twice infinity” still can be dodged. And increase big normal chickens speed when detached in multiplicity like big normal chicken in double team.

(I don’t really want to buff chicken, sorry)

Do not


iA, 2 questions:

  1. I met all possible UCO double teams except UCO 1+UCO 4 and UCO 4+UCO 4, I haven’t also saw any screenshots of them, so is it possible to fight these 2 team above or you disabled them? I hope they aren’t disabled.

  2. Have anyone met these 3 potential bosses at normal planets, suns, etc…

So far the only potential boss I met is UCO 4 at Meteor Storm. I met the other ones either in Weekly Challenge or League missions but not at normal missions.

Not disabled. They’re just hating you. Not really but RNG

Do not complain the randomness.

Eh i have one if you want

idk that but i don’t that duplicate boss is not possible to have

Duplicate boss exist. They’re just rare.

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i am already exploring those artificial moons

Same bosses in one mission is bug or feature ?
2th wave

4th wave


A very rare coincidence.

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iA, can you make Riddler deal 111 damage instead of 110? No medal needed

make it fire faster, less overheat but deal 72 damage

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yey make it more op

Can ya note down the location of this thing?

Changed in v.76 :medal_sports: Idea

Yes it is. But it’s random, so it’s possible that this combination hasn’t been selected yet.


Well, looks like you got your wish.

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“Sweater Chicken” Depends of difficulty destroy Clothes like CI3
Very Hard-Elite

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