Early Access version 67

Hmm. Noted.

Changed in v.68 :medal_sports: Idea I have a doubt that this might case de-syncs, so report any weird behaviour here.

Either sound or visuals is sufficient – both are superfluous.

Yes, yesterday.

The game will be available on Steam as Early Access sometime in March.

Early Access won’t end in March.


Slobs in cardinality of four and magic flute spawns has a thing that confuse me
And balloons when are coming from bottom they’re balloon just come strange

What the…
Early Access On Steam

@InterAction_studios Can you explain how I can lose points on expired dares? It also says I gained the points I lost.

Okay, thanks. Also I noticed something:

  • For example if it says “BULE_OCEAN is flying Space Race” then I logged in during his flight, it’ll just say “BLUE_OCEAN is online” instead of saying “BULE_OCEAN is flying Space Race”.

  • Could you make it say “BULE_OCEAN is flying Space Race” instead of “BLUE_OCEAN is online”(this is just an example) even when I login during his flight?

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who is that??

me . you really don’t know it is me ?

Idk why he wrote his callsign in caps tho.

I was asking why did you write blue ocean, I didn’t know who was it

he wrote blue ocean :confused:

can do not cross wave now use eggs with chicken in it ?

Ma boi.

Really?? Sigh whatever.


a bug in “visitors from another dimension”
when i kill the last enemy it will go to next wave fast

You really need to check this topic:

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Uhhhhh all of things that I suggest or report was early did by you :frowning_face:

You have indeed gained points and the number is correct. The issue is that the wrong texture has been chosen for the arrow. Fixed in v.68 :medal_sports: Bug

I can’t do that, because that’s the same notification system that says “User X was defeated on mission Y”. So if I made that change, you’d also see “User X was defeated on mission Y” even though that might have happened hours ago.


Can I know how look is it and how it works?

Can you be patient?


Eh Wait For the update to come out


Sorry iA but could it be an arrow like this:


The fact that it’s a “1” and there’re no other numbers kinda bothers me. I don’t think it’ll work well in waves like “Armored Division” since the sign appear on Armored Chicken’s head for some reason. Why does it sometimes appears on top of enemies?

Also when Feather Brain shoots feathers at you, it shoots only 9 per attack, could you make it 10?

How about making the dare difficulty be the amount you’ve set it recently because I sometimes don’t check and dare at low difficulties? If that not possible you can add a button named “Sat default” above or under image it’ll show the amount of difficulty you set it every time you go to League instead of 47%.

Sometimes when I even use Absolver UCO waves I don’t get image for some reason.

How about adding different durations in League dares? Like for example 2x5 Chicken Invasion/Darkness, wave are still 10 but they got 2 bosses instead of 1 only. You could also add smaller durations like 1x7 Chicken Invasion/Darkness for example.

Since there’re 2 potential bosses in non-chicken invasion mission types, could you add more than 1 stage at them?

How much time does take the contact request and squadron invitation to expire?

Could you add numbers to mission leaderboards:


And could you make them up to 10 instead of 8?

Found one: