Early Access version 67

All bosses in all missions.

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I think the other missions were affected by this change instead


why when i kill chickens (in egg cannon) does not has no scores but when i am damaging egg cannon it has score?



fuck the what ?

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How much secs does Absolver take to charge full? Can someone else try it fully-charged Absolver on Coward at Ironman Competition and see if they attack or not?

I think it needs to charge a lot more than it does at normal missions.

Also “Bubble Rings” wave has a bug:

It’s easier tbh.


That “1” should be an “!” since there’re no numbers.

Should Pecking Order be flipped there:

Everyone! Praise to our King Crab:

Why Enemy Queue doesn’t have Pecking Order bonus?

Could you add the difficulty line at dares? Example:

  • image

Why Pecking Order gets awarded late at waves like “Visitors from another Dimensions”?

Also I can’t find the Pecking Order at “Interdimensional Portals” wave eventhough I used the HUD?

Can there be Pecking Order at “The Weakest/Strongest Link” waves?

There was a way at CI Wiki on how to Peck Play Both Sides wave. Why isn’t it enabled here:

Can Boss Rush have a bigger chance to appear at Hybrid Missions?


is this right?? (magic flute, look top left)

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what’s problem with it ?

Pecking Order? Yeah, it got nerfed to 4 enemies as it was originally like that.

Next time, please click the camera button to have a better screenshot.

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Make the chicken multiply CI3 version

Is this L4D2 The Sacrifice Refference?

Already suggested here

Henperor apperiance is seems too eazy
Ia plz enlarge the circle attack a bit more on high diff or mimic it like the Chicken Exploit version


@InterAction_studios This weekly challenge was frozen, but there was no lucrative boost at the end. Is that intended?

It would not be consistent with the HUD Item’s Appearance. Besides, it would be a “Danger” and not a “first”.

The spawner needs to leave the screen first.

There’s a pecking order on Interdimensional Portals. Look closer.
Also, to answer your other questions:


ia: don’t ask me to remove peck from waves
franci: pls ia remove peck from bosses
ia: k

Also @InterAction_studios, if I double click while having Corn, its sound effect becomes louder even if it doesn’t have Overdrive.


What about moron railgun?


That would just be visual noise. You only need to distinguish friendly matches.

That’s not their mechanic.

Did you kill it too quickly again?

AFAIK there isn’t any difference.

It’s an icon, not a numbering system. It’s fine.

What wave is that? Replacements? Then no. Otherwise, maybe.

For the same reason everybody ignores what I write :unamused: Early Access version 66 - #72 by InterAction_studios

Added to v.68 :medal_sports: Idea

Because that’s then the container (the Portal) gets de-spawned.

Not all waves have Pecking orders


You probably forgot to equip the Revealer.


Each Portal has its own Pecking order, and they all award them at the end of the wave.

Fixed in v.68 :medal_sports: Bug

Fixed in v.68 :medal_sports: Bug