Early Access version 76

IA, I think you don’t care about my post.

Perhaps change the colour of infini chicks cape to yellow instead of green or is it just by default?
Because of the older version of ci4 easter has infini chick wearing a cape and it’s coloured yellow

Same to me :neutral_face:

Actually, I’ve kinda already suggested it 2 weeks ago: NPC: Henry's Clothing Market (Chicken Skin Merchant) - #29 by Francis

Be patient. He can’t get to every single post.


The ability is to throw not to hold it longer, lol.

If you’re talking about Weekly Challenge I already suggest the boss rush one:

I did it hardly only with Crab 1. It’s just really confusing with 6 laser MS.

@InterAction_studios check this post please: Early Access version 76 - #32 by SA-GoldenBoss128

True, it can be confusing.

Ok, made some changes. Probability of some environment is 25%, and probability of 3 environments at once is 3.6%, so overall probability is 0.9% :medal_sports: Idea


iA why can’t Space Race have 2 environments? Electric environment is only disabled.

There is a chance for Massive and hot/cold I think

am I wrong iA?

Does this also affect in the meteor storm waves?

iA said himself b4 that Soace Race can have a 25% chance to have only 1 environment and I asked him the question above but he didn’t respond.


no already from same meteor storm waves when visible…
for example’s from asteroids wave have visible lava!

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Yes it does

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Nice one, so they just increase the rock brightness at all

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The top bar is for all enemies combined. The “HUD Enemy Health Indicator” is only for a particular enemy. They’re not supposed to match (unless a wave only has a single enemy)

Fixed in v.77 :medal_sports: Bug

Fixed in v.77 :medal_sports: Bug

Perhaps it was your first launch and the “knowngood” files had not been created yet. Which files are missing?


For consistency, Space Race now uses the same algorithm as daily/weekly/league. So now 2 environments together are possible. Changed in v.77 :medal_sports: Idea



Also iA, I haven’t seen boss rush or droid raid stages in a while, in Weekly. Is it fine?

But electric is still an exception for space race?

It is. Although, lightning has been made repeatable in the meantime, so I wonder if it’s possible to re-introduce electric into Space Race.

They’re enabled in the code. But their weights are lower (0.5 and 0.125), so they’re rarer.