Early Access version 66

It’s special-case code, so no.

Fixed in v.67 :medal_sports: Bug

That’s the 16x16 icon and it’s by design. Although, it does look weird. Hm. Fixed in v.67 :medal_sports: Bug.

I made that change independently, but ok :medal_sports: Idea

Changed in v.67 :medal_sports: Idea

Equipment perks are there because you’re playing with a handicap. So I think they’re ok.



Although, the difference isn’t sufficient. I’ve darkened the green a bit to make it clearer :medal_sports: Idea

That’s not a significant enough reason to remove them.


Thanks, iA, but what about these:

If there were 3 enemies in total it wouldn’t be “double” anymore


But 1 Chicken is weak though.

Crab doesn’t have automatic resizing (like some other bosses do), so it would be too big.

Possibly… but why? Need more challenge? :smirk:


I’m always up for more challenge.


Actually yes, it’s too easy. I can finish it in the 1st 10 seconds, so it doesn’t really count as Double Team if you’re only fighting 1 boss.

The harder the better. 1 is easy, 2 is normal, 3 is too much. I’m asking for normal.

Normally, at this point I’d go into a 10,000-word rant about excessively catering to the elite players at the expense of the newcomers , but this is Ironman… :thinking:

The only thing I don’t like about 3 Bosses is that it makes “Double Team” inaccurate. Perhaps keep it as a single Big Chicken, but increase its health?


I’d say buff his health a bit (+50% would do) and make it shoot more eggs.

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Like Crazy Squawker. Faster and more.

Ok :frowning:

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does it appears with contacts ?

Changed in v.67 :medal_sports: Idea

You mean whether contact asterisks are also affected? Yes.


Can you add that option iA?

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Could you in next version add chatting place in the game It will be easy to chat with contacts during game run ?

Suggested A L O T and rejected too.

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I just request respectfully

And I answer R E S P E C T F U L L Y too.

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Why are angry with me ? I made a mistake to request this feature?

Ok as you all want