Early Access version 58.2

Great, now let’s hope for 240. And 360 in the future. (don’t have it yet, but planning to have it in next 5 years)

I’d blame Windows 10. have the same card and it works flawlessly. I just tried it because I was trying something with different DirectX dll. Do you have the game on SSD or HDD?

It always was performance dropping. But unfortunately I can’t find it since the introduction of DirectX 11. Would like to test if it did change anything.

Say, would it be possible to make the game say which API it uses? I have DXVK DLLs but I can’t find anywhere if the game actually used them. I’m still on win7, but I wanted to try if it does improve anything because there are games that even on windows gain performance when you use DXVK DLLs (most famous example - A hat in time). You just paste the appropriate DLL in the game folder and it should use it. But I’m not sure with CIU because I literally can’t notice it because it runs outstanding. So, can you like maybe add a line to cfg file where you can point to DirectX dll and then state in the CIU.log that it loaded it? Or do you only can use ones available in windows directory? I could swap them directly when I boot with linux, but not every game works with them so I would rather not swap them permanently.

And about that. What exactly do you collect? And how are the statistics so far?


SSD. I blame the game for this as there were no these drops before the update.

When I’m playing CI5 in a low-end performance, it does. My uncle had a high-performance laptop and hadn’t this problem.

How about when collecting “Super Size Me” it cools your weapon a little bit. It won’t start over as if you collect a power-up but it’ll be reduce a little bit.

Something similar about the food you suggested was similar and IA said no

But you don’t get “Super Size Me” a lot.

Yeah, ik it’s rare

Can we have a mirrored version of “It’s Party Time!” because having the boss to only spawn on the left is ehhhhhhhhh

I suggested it more than one time (and told iA to have you credit) but iA just doesn’t want to add it.

Most likely not going to happen since the other chicken invaders games does NOT have the halloween versions

think it, link it

the words “think it” was crossed because this isn’t linc’s slogan

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About Tangled Mess wave:

Please put the chickens FURTHER away from each other when they spawn. Said wave can be easily cheesed with bird-flus/icbms/plasma rifle, because they’re all in a single group, which the Area of Effect can easily (and I mean EASILY) decimate.

Alternative: Have them move in from each side, but they tangle up as they move in, so that by the time they reach the center, they’ll be all messy.


IA why don’t you make all the weapons cost 300 keys because 500 is expensive and some people cannot buy weapons

You better be grateful, little boy! Absolver used to be more than 2000 keys before (and that’s not the cheapest weapon too).

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what the

also in this mission i managed to get into the yolk star without dying

It appears as “This video is private”.


try now

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The cheapest weapon is Moron railgun

Now works