Early Access version 58.2

But not because a weapon is cheap means others should be cheap too

I said to make all weapons cost 300 keys except moron railgun it stays as it is

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I meant to say before. Most weapons used to be more than 500 keys. So it’s not a good idea to make them cheaper than that. That would be nothing compared to players who have a lot of keys (like me). So all I can say is just play more elite missions to earn keys faster.

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Some players may be want to buy weapons fastly like me so we can make them cheaper

people with all of the weapons are lucky lol


OK, how about we make all items worth 1 key so newcomers like you could buy them faster?! Like this you’ll get bored of the game in less than a day.

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maybe it works on the following principal
“The farther you go The quieter it is…”

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It is bad to make everything cheap like what you said I made it only little expensive because nothing can be more cheaper than Moron railgun

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if it did so, it would be more logical for it to happen on both sides than just one

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What’s wrong with the sounds?

when I go to the left side of the screen the sound is almost completely lost

It’s probably because of stereo panning. If this bugs you, you can disable it.

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@InterAction_studios I have only one squadron, so why when I assign a mission the squadron list appears? It should be automatic, require only one click if you have one squadron only. So could you disable the list is there’s only one squadron?


Already suggested by thisistrueuser:

And IA said it’s not worth it

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No, sadly squadrons aren’t sellable.

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Dang! I remember suggesting it along with other stuff but iA didn’t reply to it but replied to some other stuff. But thanks for telling me anyway.

In my opinion it should. Like the automount feature. And especially that when viewing the squadron list it stops your mission bonus.

Does it say that warning in its description? It should.


You’re welcome dude.

Well yeah it should be, but naturally not.

No, it doesn’t.

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Re-coding squadron selection screen just to save 0.5 seconds doesn’t seem profitable imo.

And auto-mount is just confusing.


Why when viewing squadron list it stops the player bonus?

Yea, to new players but there’s a message explaining it.

When you an insight can you buy it twice and it expires in 2 days instead of one?

In this photo we see that the score of the text is very close and there is a space in front of the numbers.

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