Early Access version 55.3

WDYM?! Like, ALL bosses were made by iA, what is the point here? I’m confused.

Small details which always has been here and nobody argued about them. Changing colour of thing which always was here won’t “fill the game with many details”.


Someone SUGGESTED another health bar for boss , not made by IA

because they were new !

Oh and now they old? Ok. (Note: this was irony)

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and you admitted it, no need

Ok, now I changed my mind because those details are also there in other bosses like the space crab and the yolk-star too and I completely forgot about these plus no one argued about these details in these other bosses too, Sorry. now I see your points. I just misread and went aggressive for absolutely no reason… @Tempest_ORM, your idea is good.


What even is this point? So many things are suggested by other people and I don’t see you replying to each and one of them “It’s unnecessary, it wasn’t made by IA”

Because they were added to games when there was no CIU forum. (and also you)

Great, now only those two left.

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Srsly guys, can you continue this at Chatting Place?

But its about an idea, so I think it’s on-topic.

Why is this fight happening again?

We will see.

Wait , So i mixed up , and uh , went aggressive also for no reason , sorry i now see your points also , very sorry for this , feels so stupid because i do not think before even writing :||

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Same, i was aggressive and mixed this up and now realized the same after reading and went angry for no reason, really sorry for that. now i see the points.

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Good, the fight is over

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Just opinions and a little criticism, not a fight

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(possibly) fixed in v.56 :medal_sports: Bug

:warning: Let me know if you notice it still happening on v.56


Check this and that too if possible.

Popcorn from corn shotgun can’t push feathers. Not saying that’s bad, but that surprised me. At least note this at weapon description idk.

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It’s normal because it’s the only weapon which doesn’t overheat in the game, otherwise it will be easy and it will be unbalanced because you will be pushing feathers forever without overheating. That’s why it doesn’t push feathers.
In short, to make it balanced.
Here, as stated:

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Also, thanks to moving from DirectX 9 to DirectX 11 I finally know what causes desync with ReLive (recording software for AMD GPUs): DirectX 11 ._ .
I don’t know why and don’t want to know why it happens. Maybe because of windowed mode, will double-check when full screen comes back.

Check this suggestion if possible too Early Access version 55.3 - #152 by Baron