Early Access version 55.3

Well the meaning is obvious.

No, you don’t, remember when I said “Nice Spacecraft” at RamonTokus’ post and you didn’t get the joke.

Maybe next time you could make it more clear by adding an “?”

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Ok but he said:

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Well, meanwhile i was bored and i was about leaving, i noticed what in the callsign doesn’t show my name in it even if in the galaxy i can see my name, and when i try to type anything, it randomly have type randomly three dots when i have typed “e”, im not sure if it was reported or anything, it just seems weird to me:


Never saw three dots thing but it’s pretty obvious why there is no callsign written here. After all, it’s callsign change field, not edit field.
(Tho it would be cool)

@InterAction_studios I guess asteroids colors shouldn’t work like this.


You mean the falling ones? I told IA to change them before and he said he kept them like this so it wouldn’t be confusing:

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Some times i really doesn’t like show my location on map.
Then could we have a new button in :information_source: menu with name “show your location” it’s like this three buttons
1.show player names
2.show contacts location
3.only show your your contacts location
4.show your location :new:

Why you don’t want to know where you are? What if you are lost and can’t find yourself even with the :mag: button without the yellow dot? This idea just feels unnecessary.

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Maybe it could work for other player not him.

You can press this button ۲۰۲۰۰۹۱۹_۰۱۰۹۱۵

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yeah i know this workaround, i said it in my post:

but idk what to think about the idea though. i’m neutral against it with this workaround.

Just double checking that the anomaly zones will be inverted then, too? Otherwise it would be absurdly hard.


Just quote my line lol

Wrong post, also you know IA doesn’t check chatting place.

Lemme just copy n paste it then.

Apparently losing connection during a competitive mission is basically tf2 random critical hit system. It’s even more RNG because people could also get disconnected even with good internet.

I’ve experienced this situation once and it’s not pleasant.

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What’s the meaning of them?

tf2: team fortress 2 Learn about the random crit in that game

RNG: Random number generator basically luck


what if he wanted to capture a map without dots

Ok? ( )

pls stop adding too much “?”

do this
Ok? []()

the “[]()” is invisible dont worry