I didn’t realize from your explanation that it was the same bug. Awarded medal to you, too.
Not worth it. Since the round-trip to the server is required anyway (the client doesn’t know anything about squadrons), it’ll complicate the design disproportionately.
Added to v.50 Idea
Not possible.
Fixed in v.50 Bug
Fixed in v.50 Bug
Because randomness.
It’s on my list. The way the preview is currently implemented sadly makes this more complex than it ought to be.
Turn off “In-game help”
Some of the effects (e.g., raising gifts above explosions) require a missions restart. Others (screen shakes) take effect immediately.
I’ve changed it to an arithmetic series Idea
Sample values:
10 kills=3625 points
20 kills=9750 points
30 kills=18375 points
40 kills=29500 points
50 kills=43125 points