Early Access version 47

No, I considered it an overlooked part of:

Added to v.48 :medal_sports: Idea

However, the icon won’t appear immediately (you have to refresh the mission list first). This is difficult to fix, and probably not worth it.

I’ve also done this with “favourites”.


Fixed in v.48 :medal_sports: Bug


I’ve noticed that the unoriginality penalty alſo applies to a miſſion you loſt. Is this a new change? I don’t think it ſhould.

Yeah, that’s a stop-gap measure to stop exploits where people would intentionally quit/die on the last wave and play the same mission endlessly.

Still looking for a better solution.


People actuälly did that? Why?!

What about applying the unoriginality penalty to ſurrendering but not loſing, or if that doeſn’t work forcing the player to wait before attempting the ſame miſſion again if they ſurrender, as well? That way you have to loſe a life, or perhaps multiple, for this exploit to work.

Because key farming.

Actually, that particular exploit was done by dying rather than surrendering. Sure, you pay for a life, but who cares if you can make several hundred keys per run.


Speaking of which, about key rushes… just how does the anti-farming measure work?

Because I get only around 800-1000 keys per rush now, due to the anti-farm measures. It’s almost not even worth the trouble, you could say…

Can’t say. That would invite anti-anti-farming measures :wink:


Hm. I think Key rushes might need a change eventually. A one-time key rush is a bit too high, especially when you fail at the first wave and forget to bring lives.

How about making them replayable every 30 days? (Someone must’ve already suggested this before.)


I agree - I played one the other day and was earning, like, less than I could have earned from a boss rush or something. It felt futile.

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First of all I think bosses should drop more keys because we actively spend time not getting more keys while fighting a boss


That too

Also, I’d say make the base multiplier higher. Perhaps 150%?

Does the Scoring have a Base Factor here?

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Is that because you lost half-way through? Or was it that the key rush mission was short?


Well, it was more like three-quarters through… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

But BoredCelestial’s comment below still holds true. It is not currently the most efficient way of earning keys - big time investment, comparatively “average” reward.

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I think he means that it takes even longer than it should, and it’s not rewarding enough for the amount of time it takes considering you can earn way more from a normal chicken wave itself.

Anyway, it would be good if the base multiplier was increased. 100% just doesn’t cut it, as it’s actually quite meh. You can earn almost as much as a key rush by replaying a 15 wave 100% comet chase over and over. (roughly 115 keys per round, which takes about 5-6 minutes)

By the way, I think comet chases need a buff. Make it almost as difficult as CI3’s, where you can potentially get trapped?


Then maybe the solution would be to nerf comet chases. There’s already a distinct difference in how much key rushes pay off from normal invasion missions:


Key rushes:


Yeah, that’s true. But considering it’s (Key Rushes) a One-time only mission, it should be worth your time (and money spent on the phase outs and lives you brought)

Making them replayable every month (Or week if you’re generous) is sufficient, if the keys earned is best left like it currently is.

As for the comet chase… I just feel that it would be more fun to see a more difficult comet chase. The current one is extremely easy. But as for how to make it more difficult, perhaps double the comet spawn rate, or make it spawn two comets at a time? On higher difficulties, of course.
(You can still lower it’s base multiplier, considering it can still be much easier than a Meteor Storm or Supernova. This might have already been suggested though.)


This would be the best way for change.


Changed in v.48 :medal_sports: Idea

Also, reduced key boost to 0%

Changed in v.48 :medal_sports: Idea

Given that the key rush locations are (or will eventually become) well-known, that would just cause everyone to blindly flock to them each month.

Maybe moving them around would be a better option, but there’s no engine support for moving missions currently, so it’s not a straightforward change.


:warning: Due to changes in how key rush missions work, their history has been reset (so you can play them again).