Early Access version 44

What did you mean

He previously, on v43 topic, shared a pic of hyper gun having slow fire rate for him.

Wait, what does once more mean? Does it mean when I launch the game and it fails, it will start at 100x100 then next time it starts at 960x540 or I understand wrong?

No. It just means that it was fixed while ago by IA, but they returned to 100x100 method to test something.

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Ok thanks for answering :ok_hand:

It is written in troubleshooting, wish IA would pin it, at least while the game is still in Early Access.


It’s included in Known bugs & new features as a link.


I really wanted the topic to be pinned tho. (don’t worry, not a important thing)

But what does DirectInput have to do with starting the game in 100x100 window?
It is literally for input devices (and may I add for extremely old!) and not graphics. This shouldn’t interfere with each other.

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:new: Added “Double Helix” wave

@InterAction_studios you showed the other new waves at what difficulty they will appear on the changelog, so why not show this one as well? if it’s unnecessary, it’s okay, i won’t force you.

I wish I would know… Had that issue 10/10 times with my old DAC but so far had 0 issues with my new one, even with the bTrackJoystick=Yes. The only issue that I’ve had with my old DAC with some other dx9 games was that they also had a delay, but about ~1/40 times.

From now i don’t know what’s the short of the word DAC, but yeah, i solved this prob. many times.

@InterAction_studios, what are Anomaly Zones?

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A DAC is a Digital-to-analog converter which I use for listening to music and audio in general since the quality is way beyond the normal capability of a motherboard and the noise is almost non-existent with a proper DAC. The old one I’ve had issues with was a Fiio E17K Alpen 2 which was decent for its price but wanted something that was capable of more, so I bought a Ifi micro iDSD BL and it is much better than the other one.


Oh great, thanks for the info though.

And I had hope that DAC here doesn’t mean what I thought.

What does audio device have to do with DirectInput which in turn has something to do with fricked up graphics.


I feel like quips are too infrequent, what’s the exact chance of them appearing? I’d like them to have them appear around every 10-15 waves / every 5-7 minutes.

Their appearance is rare and random.

Yeah, but there’s still some kind of a randomness factor / multiplier. But in about 1 hour of playing I’ve just seen 2-3 of them

I think it was already discussed before:

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