Early Access version 29

Do you remember what sound CI3 easter chickens had? I have an idea. Could you make the coward chickens with these sounds. It will be more fitting, because they are smaller and ya know coward :wink: The slob chicken needs a low pitched sound of that version.


please increase collect time (food and keys) for Bomber Ship

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I don’t think this ſhould be done; one of the characteriſtics of the bombers is that they make food and keys harder to collect.

But it’s one of the main reasons why they aren’t that playable, for both daily/weekly challenges and for normal missions or boss rushes. It just feels awkward when you’re not able to collect all 7 keys dropped at you after destroying the last boss, while in fact the reward should be greater as you have managed to defeat the hard boss without maneuvering jets.


…which is a bad thing. I’m fine with a speed limit,but not when it goes this far. You either waste keys on extra lives and lose out on a lot of them in a mission or you waste lots of keys on jets. In the end,is it really profitable in any way to play with the bomber? Its max power at a higher power level means it’s harder to get the bonus in daily challenges,it’s too slow for space race and weekly probably won’t go that well thanks to lots of waves,slow speed,big hitbox and the fact that two plasma rays are worse for getting a pecking order compared to having one ray. You’re simply forced to either keep shoving hundreds of keys into it or not do it and probably not have it go well.
Again,a speed limit is an interesting mechanic,but not one that should be pushed this far. Back when H&C 101 was the slowest ship,it wasn’t nearly as slow as this and it wa fine. It’s a shame that people complained about it.

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Not better than a fighter for moſt miſſions, no. Is it ſuppoſed to be? I frequently fly miſſions that barely pay for themſelves, and I don’t ſee it as a problem.

But it does depend on one thing: do you put points or keys firſt? TBH, I don’t worry much about either, unleſs I’m flyïng a challenge.

No,it should just be usable.

Points in the case of challenges.(does not mean that keys aren’t important)
Otherwise,probably keys. Idk.
I’m probably making it sound like I do not like bombers at this point. But it’s not really what I’m trying to say. I like them,the idea is really great. Just that it may need slight rebalancing.

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That’s alright by me, but rebalancing muſt be done by modifyïng the ſpacecraft, not the game around it.

I didn’t say it should be that way. Maybe I just made it sound that way,sorry. I wouldn’t have anything against the spaceship itself getting modified,for sure.

Is letting Toxic chickens in “Attack Formations” wave a bit too harsh? I was on an easy mission and was spamming fire until a toxic chicken exploded really close to me, barely leaving me with open space. Survived mostly because the mission was easy.

What is that? Does the band extend all the way up and down the game window?

Also, how many monitors do you have and how are they placed?

And does it always appear (with the same color), or just on that particular screen?

Here’s the whole screen. I have only one monitor. The bar appears at the same place for all windows, but only here the overlapping is pretty clear and eye-poking.
Graphic settings are all at default, borderless window, @1920x1080.


That’s the scroll bar (because the message doesn’t fit all in one screen), but it should only be visible when scrolling the list up/down. Will investigate.

You’re saying that you can see it even if you leave your Inbox?!

I just wanted to say thank you for implementing the borderless window mode. Because it fixed the f.lux issue and it didn’t decrease the performance of the game. At least I didn’t notice the decrease (which should happen a little because the the GPU isn’t only handling the game alone anymore).

So yeah, can you after dealing with this crazy spin-off, add the borderless mode to other games? (CI2, CI3, CI4, CI5). Or is this not possible to implement?


I thought I lost you man.

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With current RNG system and addition of new chickens I feel that “epic waves” become more often (again) and more wild. I propose limitation of certain type of enemies per wave.

For example
Eggship in SSH : 10% of total enemies in the wave

It would significantly decrease the probability of “impossible wave without dying” and if it would make the game too easy, then I propose the second suggestion to make difficulty also increase attack rate of the enemies.

For example
SSH : +20% attack rate

So the wave won’t be dependent only on the advanced enemies, but to each individual enemy.

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Back-porting borderless to older games should be straightforward enough and will be done at some point (probably starting with the Steam versions).


In case you missed it the first time, the message about the key rush mission has been re-generated, and will stick around for the next two weeks.

(if you’ve already played it, then you won’t be able to play it again)


No, in SSH anything goes!

25% maybe?

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