Early Access version 29

See above.

Then how about the incoming 2 difficulties? Would be they impossible to beat?

And I don’t want to see all eggship in every wave



At any rate, it ſeems ridiculous to place ſuch harſh limits on SSH given that it’s the hardeſt level of 6. As it is, it’s already not much of a challenge, and there’s not much difference between it and the next hardeſt.

One of the ideas that didn’t make it into v.29 is a chicken breed that follows formation until it is hit once, after which it goes into berzerk mode and flies around the screen randomly (similar to how pilots from downed saucers behave now, but faster). So causing partial damage would be a strategic no-no.

Anyone want to see this in v.30?


On the topic, I’d like to see some berserk waves, in the sense that there is a formation and each chicken hit goes berserk. Just this exact thing except they aren’t a seperate breed just the mechanic. Though if I remember it isn’t available in the wave editing tools… so how will we get the og’s back eventually?


Any chance you could make it ſo that the lightning appears between the background and the action? It looks bad to have it on top.

Just want to drop this here.
What if objects that have a comet chase mission in them had an actual comet orbiting them?


Berserk waves could work. Although, I fear it might make some waves unplayable (especially the ones that are space-constrained. Still, who wants to see this feature?


I remember doing it your way when I first implemented it, but you then have to decide whether lightning is (not) scaled during the starfield zooming-in/out. Both cases look even more wrong than what it does now (consider how your spaceship would look on top of a growing lightning as the camera zooms closer).

Still, who thinks that the current way looks bad? I’d like to know.

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You should bring back the original CI2 Berserk wave

Nonono, just in the inbox, I meant it’s at the same position for all messages. Still the overlap is really poking my eyes.

Don’t you have to decide this regardleſs?

I have a question.

Why do the new chicken breeds’ heads seem to not follow the player’s movements?


Also, the blue-ish breed should be color tinted in a way that matches the background, instead of having the sprite itself being blue.


That new batch of chickens bring a new level of difficulty which is good. Have to learn their behavior.
The cowards are hard to see very well, and drop bunches of eggs that seems to lock in on you.
Slobs are the fats ones I guess,certain ones drop a cluster of eggs. And of course the mangy toxic breed!
I had to drop to rookie level to complete certain missions.

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My favorite seems to be the cowards for now, they drop eggs in coordinated barrages, it’s so cool in the wave ‘Three by Three’. I haven’t seen the slobs do anything to me yet, I would like a demo of their power, the toxic chickens are for now the most challenging as they really do spice up ‘Terminator Chickens’.


By design. Cowards are always looking away, Toxics are looking randomly because why not, and Slobs already have facial animation which can’t be combined with looking around (their eyes do follow you, however)

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If you scroll the list up/down, does the scrollbar move accordingly? Or is it always at the same place?

And does the scrollbar appear even in messges that don’t need to scroll (check the recent message about the Key Rush mission, for example)

For clarification, the scrollbar is meant to show up whenever you’re scrolling the list (either by the :arrow_up_small: :arrow_down_small: icons, by the mouse wheel, or by dragging the contents with your mouse). Once the scrolling stops, the scrollbar is meant to disappear.

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Added to v.30

:medal_sports: Idea


Maybe create lava chicken breed,which attack with fireballs (slow)
or (and) ice chicken with icicles