Early Access version 16

On the loadout screen,when you’re about to play space race,I think that the skill level shown should be the rookie skill level,instead of it showing the skill level you chose previously(for example,when I go to some other mission with ssh,then to space race),since the skill level in space race missions is locked to rookie


For next update I have a good idea.
Feather level for frozen level(Feather level CI4)
And asteroid level for hot planets(red asteroid level CI3)
And comet chase level for other planets.
It’s isn’t good?
Supernova level for Sun!

i have a background suggestion for the comet chase missions, how about we have blurred and more smaller (that means they are far away) comets speeding in the background, is it possible?

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Wouldn’t the screen get too cluttered though? Depending on inplementation I guess.

I’d REALLY like this, very good idea! The backgrounds always looked kinda… 2D-ish to me, and some pretty minor things like that could change it drastically, of course if properly implemented.

I imagine the comets being like this @Davoid
them being really small and blurred and blazing through in the backgrounds (this is guyisp btw, can’t access that other one account on the PC since I’m on the phone rn)


Here are a few nitpicky details I’d like to point out.

  1. The Daily Top 10s unnecessarily show the amount of attempts, even though you can only attempt them once.
  2. The Yolk’s egg white does not spin around, unlike in CI3.
  3. UFO Chickens somehow change breeds after destroyed (from CI5 chickens to CI4 chickens).

could you add/remaster the “reinforcements” and “chicken carousel” waves from ROTY!!?..I think that this waves are one of the best in the game!!!

What do you think?
It isn’t good?

About the asteroids…

The supernova missions are planned to be on every sun in the galaxy. But for the feathers… Well i dont know where they will be shoved.

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Fixed in v.17

:medal_military: Bug medal


speak about the asteroid/meteor storm I think that in the frozen planets the asteroid/meteorid should be white just like xmas editios… like that

Fixed in v.17

:medal_military::medal_military::medal_military: Bug medals

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is my suggestion possible to implement? @InterAction_studios

Yes, it’s on our list. But since it’s a cosmetic change, it will have to wait its turn.

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Would You mind sharing this list?


Its too big i think.

They can hide it with

Hide details



I think player statistic need some info about skill. I play SSH most of time and my victory rate is 54.27% but you can’t see how good player is by this because you can use Tourist or SSH. And we need “Make favourite” button in level list (suggested by someone long time ago) because right now you need to win/lose level to click this button.

I think there ſhould be “average miſſion difficulty” and “average miſſion length” ſlots in the ſtatiſtics.

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