Early Access version 125


Christmas Edition! 'Tis the season to be jolly!

This update has been released earlier than planned in light of recent abusive behaviour by certain players. To this end, automatic countermeasures are now in place and you may also report inappropriate player behaviour directly from the game itself. Anyone can report anyone else, but to prevent the system from being abused (sigh), there is an internal “reputation” algorithm that decides how important each report is. The details of this algorithm will not be made public, but suffice it to say that:

  1. If you are a player of low reputation, your reports will not have any effect, especially if you are reporting high-reputation players.

  2. If you abuse the reporting system by making malicious, deceptive, or inappropriate reports, you will lower your own reputation and your own account may be blocked or deleted.

The intention is to make this system fully automated after an initial training and calibration phase. In the meantime, all reports are manually reviewed and bans are individually approved.

In all likelihood, this will be the last major update before Early Access ends on the game’s 4th anniversary (since version 1, which was released December 15th 2018). This is what will change after Early Access:

  • The startup Early Access nag screen will be removed from the game.
  • New accounts will no longer receive the “Early Access” medal.
  • That’s about it.

There really won’t be any more differences than that. Development will continue as usual. The immediate priority over the next two months is to release the iOS version, followed by the Android version. While this is underway, only minor additions and bugs will be fixed on the stand-alone / Steam branch.

Party like it’s 2002! is still the default in v.125, but it can be disabled through the main menu (you must restart the game to enable it again). As a reminder, this mode simulates an (approximately) authentic 2002 experience: graphics have been reduced in color and resolution, music has been replaced with era-appropriate tracks, and certain special effects have been disabled.

Bug/Idea medals will be awarded later in the day. Note that your medal cannot be awarded if your in-game callsign doesn’t match your forum name (put it in your forum profile where it says “name” so I can find it).


You will lose:

  • any mid-mission progress
  • your language selection
  • all your menu Options


:new: New features – :bulb: Tweaks – :bug: Bug fixes – :gear: Internal changes

  • :gear: Deleted users who haven’t logged in during the past week and have less than 10 minutes of playtime, and also users who haven’t logged in during the past 4 weeks and have less than an hour of playtime, and also users who haven’t logged in during the last 12 months and haven’t set an e-mail. Note that users with any purchase are never deleted.

  • :new: Added Hero Academy party at galactic coordinates 563×761 (@CattyCheese :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: Removed mouse/keyboard references from “special weapons” hint (@RainbowBoyVN :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :gear: Android: Fixed array overrun when initializing UveInput::os_keyboardState/os_keyPressedOnFrame.

  • :gear: Android: Fixed uninitialized array osVK2DIK.

  • :gear: Fixed database race condition that would allow adding the same squadron assignment twice.

  • :gear: Touchscreen multiplayer: Chat button is redrawn while paused (to signify that it can still be used) (@darkchan :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: Applied this fix from v.124 to incoming dares, too: League: Fixed boss waves being illegible in the dare alternatives (once and for all) (@RainbowBoyVN :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :gear: Touchscreen buttons are now drawn using only an outline (to avoid obscuring player vision) (@darkchan :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bulb: Placement and size of touchscreen on-screen buttons is now fully customizable. Due to this change, all menu Options will be lost. (@TheFutureKnight @RainbowBoyVN @damhaiyen :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: 2002 Party mode: shortened “minorWin-CI3” music to avoid prevent with upcoming stage (@DePeeper :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: Quests: Halved “fly competitive missions” goal (@ScarletCuboids :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :gear: Strengthened anti-moron measures.

  • :bug: Fixed server kicking out missions that started on some platform but finished on a different one (@damhaiyen :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Touchscreen: “Fire satellite” button space now responds to other uses if no satellites exist (@AmirMohammad.as @darkchan :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :gear: Reworked touchscreen input system.

  • :gear: Ignoring contact and squadron requests now blocks the subsequent request for an additional 3 days each time (was 1 day).

  • :bulb: Adding players to contacts/squadrons is now disallowed if their tier is more than twice your own tier.

  • :bug: Mission HUD is now re-colored properly if “High-contrast text” is toggled mid-mission (@FridayFunkinSussyVN :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: Anomaly zones now turn you such that you always face towards the center of the screen (provided you are doing a 180-degree turn and and any previous turn has fully completed) (@DePeeper :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :new: Galaxy menu: Added “Report player” button.

  • :bug: In-mission pause menu: Fixed chat window appearing after returning from “screenshot” mode in touchscreen mode (@4-FX :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :new: Added Christmas Edition content

  • :bug: 2002 mode: Added fade out on “just_to_funk” (CIU theme / quiet and intense variations)


Last Early Access version.

where is the Reset to default option?

does this also apply to chat in multiplayer?

AHHA this is what I call a super banned breaker, reporting players!


Can you add a notification that shows a reported player that he has been reported? Sounds unnecessary but as well helpful to make the reported player do something about it.

after the player got reported he will get banned from the game?


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Zooming too close to your spaceship will prevent party music from playing

Also, will we have Xmas versions of CIU tracks?

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Quest progress is over 100% even when the milestone isn’t finished.

That isn’t helpful.

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Can you let us customize where is the chat is
And add a test button inside the button placement so we could test it before starting a wave and it would make it easier

And make the test consists of 3 small waves and they are the same everytime so the purpose of them is to test our button placement

And add a reset button so we could reset the buttons to there original placement

solution: ignore

1- yes.
2- I’m blind because I didn’t see that

reach vice adimerer by completing galactic cups

This time bug is still not fixed.
In mission:
After mission:

it will tak two years

Also is it just me but I’m losing 1fp after dying even when Power Preserver isn’t equiped? You usually lose 5.

There isn’t one.

Yes, it does. I’m not currently logging chat messages, however, so also post screenshots to validate your claim.

No, because that would be abused by spamming reports.

They might. Depends on what the reports say. If it’s an inappropriate callsign, for example, it will be reset and a warning will be sent. For more serious offenses, they will be immediately banned.

That’s because the origin of the music is too far away from the center of the screen


This is probably the result of reducing the “Fly Competitive missions” goal in this update. Ignore it, it will fix itself when you move on to the next milestone.

Neither is seeing thousands of search results.

It’s already customizable


I know. It’s not in the changelog as fixed, is it? (I mean since it was reported broken again).


Is more xmas skins for the other bosses/enemies possible? At least the ones introduced in CIU.

why are the snow balls still dusty xd…

Can you add a feature to comment on your mission want to assign? Maybe it can cost 1 key?
This may sound useless but it can warn other players about what funny thing happened or some useful infomation

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How about limiting what you search for to search for the whole word only in a callsign.
So, searching for ia can give me “* ia” “* ia is *”
Instead of searching for every callsign with ia in its words.