Early Access version 116


there wasn’t. but it is some dude were concerned as if it will make a big deal in non competitive.

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I have an idea, how about we make an insight that if a projectile is almost about to hit you you will hear a beeping sound (there will be a different beep sound and the spaceship will glow black instead of white)
Name: Warning Insight
Price: 80
Also: Phoenix and Chiller’s balls (sounds weird) sometimes throw balls outside of the screen, bug?

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For Double Team missions: Can the health of each boss be visible when Health HUD is active?
(currently not the case for the bosses that usually appear as a single boss like the Crabs, Iron Chef, …)

Iron Chef in Double Team sometimes hides behind my screen’s right edge all while throwing tomatoes at me. (technically not a tomato, but still bugged)

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i just realized why is dr. beaker using the blue potion even when its broken? (and yes the blue potion was already broken)

Dude also throws pink potions even when it’s broken off sometimes … so there’s that too.
Forgot where I saw instances of it though, but it happened.

Here’s your answer:

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There should be a danger zone in Chicken Burger, like the one in Playground. The barriers come down kinda fast unexpectedly

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will you notice it in time

I’m talking about THESE barriers. (the circled ones)

suggested by me and declined.

Would it matter? as destroying will help in widening the space of the destroyed blocakde.

So I could get more points.

so can everyone so why does it matter? also they are 2 barriers ._.

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why did you just reply to me?

To tell that the idea were declined? duh.

Can you do the same thing for “Look In All Directions”? Since enemies can’t appear on bottom.
(no medal need)

Can there be a Danger Zone in the top or bottom of the “Stacker” wave? (depends)
Also “The Forge” has 3 Safe Zones, 1 in the left, 1 in the middle and right.

they do appear in bottom wdym?

I mean here


That would break the purpose of all directions if there’s some part of the screen where enemies won’t ever spawn.

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idea: chill chicken only create the cold zone when you kill it while it is still handling the snowball
(their body isn’t cold: it’s just cyan-ish because of some paint!)