Early Access version 116

will you notice it in time

I’m talking about THESE barriers. (the circled ones)

suggested by me and declined.

Would it matter? as destroying will help in widening the space of the destroyed blocakde.

So I could get more points.

so can everyone so why does it matter? also they are 2 barriers ._.

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why did you just reply to me?

To tell that the idea were declined? duh.

Can you do the same thing for “Look In All Directions”? Since enemies can’t appear on bottom.
(no medal need)

Can there be a Danger Zone in the top or bottom of the “Stacker” wave? (depends)
Also “The Forge” has 3 Safe Zones, 1 in the left, 1 in the middle and right.

they do appear in bottom wdym?

I mean here


That would break the purpose of all directions if there’s some part of the screen where enemies won’t ever spawn.

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idea: chill chicken only create the cold zone when you kill it while it is still handling the snowball
(their body isn’t cold: it’s just cyan-ish because of some paint!)

Yesterday was the one-year anniversary of the Galactic Cup.

This (season 18) can be considered the “Anniversary” season.


I got confused when I saw my ship turn gray, I wondered if that was a bug. Maybe only do it for other players?

No. the only part where chickens never spawn in this wave is this zone he marked.

herocam name doesn’t change immediately?

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Is this for real?

Hey IA, apparently when I leave the League, I can still play dares:

And when the dare concludes, it still ‘‘counts’’:

Is that a bug?


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