Yes, yes, I know. This is an unexpected update, but there were some fairly significant bugs that required fixing. Plus, you get to hear the new music from 2dB earlier, so why not? There are 3 wave tracks in total, plus one boss wave track. The “Hugo the Great (Boss)” track which you might have heard on YouTube has been demoted to a regular wave track, and a new boss track “Chilli Wings” has taken its place. It has already been assigned to certain bosses in-game, but you can naturally also preview the music in the Galactic Store. You’ll also get a bonus 4th wave track coming by the end of the month.
Also, due to some internal equipment re-organization, mission presets have been reset.
Bug/Idea medals will be awarded later in the day. Note that your medal cannot be awarded if your in-game callsign doesn’t match your forum name (send it to me in a private message).
You will lose:
- any mid-mission progress
- your language selection
New features – Tweaks – Bug fixes – Internal changes
Deleted users who haven’t logged in during the past week and have less than 10 minutes of playtime, and also users who haven’t logged in during the past 4 weeks and have less than an hour of playtime, and also users who haven’t logged in during the last 12 months and haven’t set an e-mail. Note that users with any purchase are never deleted.
“Disqualified” message no longer appears each time when viewing Mission Outcome screen more than once.
Changed “Heat Insight” icon to match other Insights (@Starbrockle Idea)
“Mission Presets screen”: Preview music/background now stops when entering screen.
“Mission Presets screen”: Last boss track music slot is no longer previewed when loading presets. (@FridayFunkinSussyVN Bug)
Multiplayer: “Countdown Insight” and “Heat Insight” are now only shown for the local player (rather than all players) (@ArtemBexline211085 Bug)
Boss Rush missions: Fixed wrong music cross-fading in between bosses when multiple “Boss Music” slots have been filled (bug caused by non-repeatable randomization) (@Starbrockle Bug)
Squadrons screen: Can now select squadmates (to view activity stats) for squadrons that you don’t own. (@EnvyeX @RainbowBoyVN Idea)
Fixed being kicked by server when squadon-assigning a mission that is not the most recent mission flown (@hieudang Bug)
Phoenix chicken: Fixed head flames visibility calculations (would cause flames to abruptly appear/disappear at the edge of the screen) (@RainbowBoyVN Bug)
Added wave music tracks “Hugo the Great”, “Squark Factor 5”, “The Chicken Has Landed”.
Added boss music track “Chilli Wings”. Assigned to Squawk Block boss, Chicken Exponentiality, Magnetic Manipulator, Egg Cannon Cannon Cannon Cannonade, Feather Brain, Double Team missions.
“Henlley’s Comet” and “Bossa Nova” bosses now use “CIU Boss Music 1”.
Added secret undocumented “Party Like It’s 2002” command-line parameter
“Egg Cannon Cannon Cannon Cannonade” boss: Final explosion now pushes away darkness (@PlasmaX Idea)
Countdown Insight: Now shows remaining multi-kill time, if no other power-ups are active (@OneWingLunarian Idea)
Strengthened anti-cheat measures (@iIfireIi Idea)
Multiplayer: Zombie spacecraft are now displayed as grayscale (@ScarletCuboids Idea)
Re-organized Equipment classes. To support this change, all config presets have been reset.
“Visitors from Another Dimension” wave: more accurate placement of danger zones (@Baron Idea)
“Heat Insight” gauge mesh is now always high-detail.
“It’s the Mother-Hen ship!” boss: Death explosion now uses “giant egg splat” effect (@Baron Idea)
(partial fix) Accumulator is now forced to zero on client when it runs out on server (‘fixes’ discrepancy between client & server values) (@JenningsLA Bug)
“Pointless” chickens now don’t drop any food at all (they previously would rarely drop some).
Strengthened anti-cheat measures (@Knightcap Idea)
Reset invalid CHL-only paintjobs on unlicensed players (left over from when CHLs were free).
“Customize” screen: Added “screenshot” button (hides UI) (@SpaceDragon @RainbowBoyVN Idea)
Strengthened anti-cheat measures (@iIfireIi Idea)
“Chicken/Partner Acrobatics” wave: Reworked mirorring (@SA-GoldenBoss128 Bug)
“Squadrons” screen: Squadrons that player has been invited to join but has not yet accepted are marked with a yellow asterisk (@RainbowBoyVN @Starbrockle Idea)
“Mission Config” screen: Corrected placement of tutorial dashed box (@minhle07 Bug)
“Bomb barrier” explosion is now cyan (was orange) (@RainbowBoyVN Idea)
“Loadout” screen: Adjusted locations of satellite slots on certain spacecraft (M-408, BX-8, BX-9, VF-56, VF-66) to better match their in-mission positions (@PlasmaX @SA-GoldenBoss128 Idea)
“Amphitheatrics” wave: Fixed edge enemies in rear rows spawning partially on-screen (@KnockoffFeline Bug)
“Your First Mission” tutorial: Adjusted dashed box placement to lie exactly over missiles (@KnockoffFeline Bug)