Early Access version 112

I’m not sure if this is a bug. Should 2 identical waves appear in a Chicken Invasion mission, especially when they’re close to each other?

Mission codename: Agonizing Preclusion
Star: Sun - Andraemon
Coordinate: 889 + 092

(I flew it 2 more times and surrender to just to take the screenshots below)

Wave 4 and 6 (Technological Advances) are identical, 12 UFO Chickens are introduced in each wave.

U mean, same wave in one mission? It’s rare ig


I don’t think so that

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the flame effect overlaps the score HUD


Changed in v.113 :medal_sports: Idea

“Multiplayer color” is a bit of a misnomer, because it controls several things: Your player color in the multiplayer scoreboard and pause menu, the glow for gifts/atoms intended specifically for you, the default spawn shield, the “Countdown Insight” meter, and the color of empty satellite docks when you approach a satellite.

I don’t have a good name for it. I tried “generic color” or “representative color”, but these are even less descriptive.

“Bad allocation” means your computer ran out of free memory. When you first start the game, do you receive a warning about being low on free memory?

This could be related to low memory. I’d solve that problem first and then see if this persists.

The game doesn’t really know why you were disconnected, so all disconnections are treated the same.

It’s rare, but not impossible. Theoretically, they could even appear back-to-back.

Expected. Flame is a HUD effect, scores aren’t.


@InterAction_studios please respond

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What if we have reconnect button to all kinds of disconnections

To save the trouble of clicking on X (or pressing ESC) and then “Save the World” again? Not worth it.


Can you check this post too?

(of course ignore the plasma fix lol).

What about these?

Idea: If youre about to assign a mission to your Squadron, it should say Are you sure?

Can you separate the “Unmount all” into “Unmount all ship loadouts” and “Unmount all hardpoints”?

Why? There is nothing to lose from assigning.


There is no problem about RAM except Steam is high running and stopped application

Also my RAM is 4.00 GB less 3.60 GB

:+1: good

I have 2 squadrons, I have one that i dont need and i acidently assign it to the wrong one.

all right

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I always have a bad internet

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  1. I don’t think it is worth for the bubble wobble wave to have a safe zone located in sub corners where chickens can’t reach the player’s position at the bottom. I suggest either adding a side danger zone or removing it.

  2. Could 2 or all of these marked harpoints be unlocked by paying twice the price? it seems a bit unfair to have all them locked.

  3. Also I know it has been denied before but to see if anyone else wants it.

Should thundercluck’s buff be restored with a longer firerate this time?
(5 bolts in difficulties higher than or equal 100%)

  • Yes.
  • No.

0 voters


I’d rather stick to the safe zone.

It would make CHL a little bit more pointless.

Maybe not. Unless… If the 5-bolt attack from Thundercluck is back, but the 5 bolts are more distant between them, it would be good.

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