Early Access version 110

IA told me it’s intended like that, as an option to skip them.

And I’ve just realized something…

Doesn’t Plasma deserve the medal too?

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What about 2 anomaly zones???

Again, that wave is not supposed to have anomalies, or else it would be too easy.

so, only the way that it should be zoomed out to 95-90%

Unneeded. This is enough for us.

uhhh what’s this


Frame perfect pause bug. Objects have spawned but haven’t moved to their positions yet. “Acknowledged, won’t fix”.


Kind of a dumb idea, but I’m thinking of that the wave “The Next Generation” should only have enemies/breeds introduced in CIU.

Space background scroll speed on Grand Prix should be made faster as well, probably to match the barriers.’


Sorry, I misunderstood the first time. Changed in v.111 :medal_sports:

Changed in v.111 :medal_sports:

Already been made easier

Already been made easier

I don’t think that’s a good idea – it would block more player bullets.

Perhaps. Who suggested it first?

No, it’s calculated at the full FPS (network traffic is at 30FPS, but that’s unrelated). Uneven FPS will desync faster than simply “low” FPS. In multiplayer, all clients will sync up to whatever the host is seeing.

Changed in v.111

It’s not a bad idea – I’ll give it some thought

Hmm, spawning extra enemies like that has logistical problems about whether the can reasonably fit in all possible waves :thinking:

This has already been changed.


Added to v.112 :medal_sports: Idea


I’m not fond of this, but I have made it so that you instantly overheat if you touch them. Changed in v.112 :medal_sports: Idea


Added to v.112 :medal_sports: Idea