Early Access version 105

Just tested fighting Egg Cannon with the Accumulator equipped.
The charge refills too often especially with multishot weapons (ion,utensil,corn) and the boss gets defeated too fast compared to other bosses.
I think that entities spawned by bosses should give less charge than normal ones, similar to how they give less points

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Can we have the fp number on the player’s statistics same as the bar’s one
Convert the 33 to 10+23

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Would only make it more annoying to read during the wave imo.


already suggested


You did it first.

holy shit.


@InterAction_studios so about the gun power limitation,can you make it like when we can choose our main weapon level limitation or when we reach gun level 20 then limit the main gun level because its max power for the main gun then after fire level 20 yall can make the satellite upgradeable

@InterAction_studios Why is this different?


Same goes here


I noticed that too before, but I’ve always thought that was intended by IA.

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iA should add a retry button when you failed to log-in, or just have a retry button there so that you can retry when logging-in is taking too long.


Having a custom soundtrack license and a custom background license would be cool to add in the main game without mods.

What I’ve thought about so far:

In Weakest/Strongest Link, you should not give weapon gifts as you can’t avoid receiving it to pass through, changing your weapon to whatever the gift gives, it’s possible to avoid it by using the VF Family since their hitbox is very small, but with bigger ones such as the BX, it’s basically impossible to avoid it.

Possible solutions:

  1. Having a 0% gift drop rate on the wave.
  2. Being able to destroy the metal bars beside the chicken.

In the wave “Among Us”, some of the chicks don’t line up, they just wander around. Pretty Sus.

iA should add a retry button when you failed to log-in, or just have a retry button there so that you can retry when logging-in is taking too long.

Having a custom soundtrack license and a custom background license would be cool to add in the main game without mods.

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You can basically avoid it by waiting the barriers to move down, then dodge it.
Same way can be done if there’s toxic gas in the way, you can’t avoid it normally.


HmmmMMMmmmMm, good point

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Ninja chicks. They always get closer to you.
The other chicks that stays up in their place are Assassin chicks, they’re just a flipped ninja chick, they don’t get closer to you, they just get angry when you attack them, like berserks.
That’s why the wave is called “Among us.”

You already said that above, no need to repeat.


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I just listed everything I thought about, and thanks for answering some of the confusions I had.

toon shader isnt always perfect

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I find something annoying when it comes to color themes: the color palette of Heat is the same one used for the Overdrive/Accumulator gauge.

First of all, when it comes to color palettes, the Overdrive gauge only copies the second color from the Heat bar. For example, from left to right, my Heat bar goes from green to red. Therefore, my Overdrive gauge is as red as the very right of the bar.

Second, the Accumulator gauge copies the entirety of the color palette from the Heat bar, which means the gauge goes from green to red as well. For instance, I’d rather have my gauge with the same colors, but reversed to make it look better in my opinion, by changing the gauge’s palette.

@InterAction_studios , can you update the color theme menu so that the Heat bar, the Overdrive and Accumulator gauges have separate color palettes instead of sharing the same one?

  • Extend the colour customization
  • Leave it as it is
  • Neutral

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