CIU version 146

Does this also apply to users that’re in front of a planet aswell?
I’m curious

Players are fixed, too.


is the BX spacecraft image supposed to go over the menu that shows your spacecrafts?

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Ia we can put spectator mode in game i already made a topic for it

New idea in multiplayer

Like we said, that’s technical issue

Bug? The “:warning:” and green check mark emojis are not animated for fade out effect. They disappears instantly.

Where it was said to be a technical issue?

Because it’s not that easy to add these feature

IA’s using custom made OpenGL/DirectX game engine to make CIU. Ain’t nothing easy with this and we still get new features from time to time.

So, one possible implementation of spectator mode:

  • add a new spaceship that is invincible and invisible
  • disable collecting items with that spaceship (so you don’t steal food, powerups or keys)
  • disable it’s weapons (or if it’s not possible make a weapon that deals 0 damage on all levels)
  • when joining multiplayer offer a choice to either join the game or spectate which would temporarily switch you to this new spectate spaceship

And voila. Problem solved.


Do you know how to program it? :smirk:

I don’t need to. CIU is not open-source. Only IA needs to do that.

And these 4 steps are far from rocket engineering.

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Instead, just stay as a unrevived ghost/zombie is already enough. :woman_shrugging:
And even if this feature were added, did you considered about network connections between players? What if too many players joined in simultaneously?

Partially brought up more problems. Sigh

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Simply allow the host to limit the number of spectators at a time


See, even easier.
Scratch points 1 2 and 3 and just add a mode that let’s you join as a ghost/zombie since the start and disable reviving.

That’s why the limits should still apply. Spectating this way is still multiplayer so it still uses the network. Which of course will affect connection.

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Acknowledged, but a pain to fix. Allowed.



v.147 UPDATE

ETA Saturday 20 July 2024 (yes, today!) 08:00-10:00 GMT