CIU version 146


Summer content! :sunglasses:

… and that’s pretty much it. Enjoy!

Summer content is automatically activated during 1-30 June. You can manually turn it on or off from the main menu by selecting Options → Seasonal Content .

Bug/Idea medals will be awarded later in the day. Note that your medal cannot be awarded if your in-game callsign doesn’t match your forum name (put it in your forum profile where it says “name” so I can find it).


You will lose:

  • any mid-mission progress
  • your language selection
  • your seasonal content setting


:new: New features – :bulb: Tweaks – :bug: Bug fixes – :gear: Internal changes

  • :gear: Deleted users who haven’t logged in during the past week and have less than 10 minutes of playtime, and also users who haven’t logged in during the past 4 weeks and have less than an hour of playtime, and also users who haven’t logged in during the last 12 months and haven’t set an e-mail. Note that users with any purchase are never deleted.

  • :new: Added Summer seasonal content.

  • :bulb: “Customize” screen: Now auto-selects flagship (@Star_Light :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bulb: Bullets that hit indestructible enemies no longer count towards the “Meritorious Marksmanship Award” (accuracy medal) (@Knightcap @CattyCheese :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bulb: Main menu: Social icons are now monochrome.

  • :bulb: Main menu: Moved “Legal”, “Privacy Policy”, “Privacy Options”, “Terms of Service”, “Credits” buttons to Options menu.

  • :gear: Provided proper copy constructors for MemoryBlock, Packet6 (might fix some Android crashes).

  • :gear: Player’s color theme is now fully sent as part of initial data – colors shown in video recordings should now be 100% accurate.

v.146.2 (BETA only)

  • :gear: Enabled Thanksgiving Seasonal in beta (@KnockoffFeline :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: Summer Edition: Removed smoke from asteroids (beach balls) (@KnockoffFeline :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Applied “sunburnt” skin to paratrooper/balloon chickens (@KnockoffFeline :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: CI3 intro: Boss puppet now wears life preserver (@KnockoffFeline :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: CI3 UCO: Removed glass dome (@KnockoffFeline :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: Summer Edition: Themed Superchick beam attack (@Piotrek1113 :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: CI3 “meteor” cutscene is now themed (beach ball) (@KnockoffFeline :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Superchick top beak now moves (@OrvilleTheOrca :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Added missing wattle to Infinichick (@OrvilleTheOrca :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Egg Cannon “pointless” chickens are now themed (@Sihok-Adssres :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Henterprise “pointless” chickens are now themed (@Sihok-Adssres :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Fixed nostril placement on “It’s Party Time” boss (@Taubsi :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Fixed lighting on undamaged CI4 UFO pilot (@2sN :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Fixed lighting on undamaged CI5 UFO pilot (@OrvilleTheOrca :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Fixed bubbles being placed incorrectly over themed chickens (caused by floatie bounds being uncentered) (@2sN :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: Summer Edition: Doubled frames for falling seashell (snowflake) (@Sammarald :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: “Armored” chicken pilot is now themed (@OrvilleTheOrca :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: Summer Edition: Themed plain Chick (@dangleanh.2006 @Knightcap :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bulb: Summer Edition: Themed Egg Cannon (@AstralSpaceship :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bulb: Summer Edition: Themed Chickenaut (@Piotrek1113 :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bulb: Summer Edition: Themed Superchick death smoke (@OrvilleTheOrca :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bulb: Summer Edition: Themed Henterprise.

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Striptease chicken is no longer hot/sweating in frozen environments (@JustDoIt :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: Summer Edition: Themed Coward chicken (@JustDoIt :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bulb: Summer Edition: Themed Yolk Star.

  • :bulb: Summer Edition: Themed Alchemist chicken (@OrvilleTheOrca :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bulb: Summer Edition: Themed CI5 Coop boss (@OrvilleTheOrca :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :new: Galactic Store: Added Ice Cream cuisine (@Flame_Spacecraft :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Themed CI4/CI5 cutscene puppets (@OrvilleTheOrca :medal_sports: Bug)

v.146.3 (BETA only)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Added missing comb to “Armored” chicken pilot (@Sammarald :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Fixed missing frames for falling seashell (snowflake) (@Piotrek1113 :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Themed CI2 360o chicken (@PlasmaX :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Themed UFO chick (@OrvilleTheOrca :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Themed Gatling/lasergun chick (@OrvilleTheOrca :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: Summer Edition: Themed CI2 chicken boss (@Shrink_Ray @PlasmaX :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bulb: Summer Edition: Themed CI2 sarge boss (@PlasmaX :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bulb: Reworked Summer cuisine.

  • :bulb: Summer Edition: Themed comets and Henlley’s Comet boss (@Shrink_Ray :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Themed CI2 ending cutscene (@OrvilleTheOrca :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI2 Mother-Hen boss: Fixed bad replication (caused by incorrectly looping nav commands) of minion enemies (@kAPET :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: Summer Edition: Smaller snowflake/seashell.

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Themed “Special Forces” boss knife attack sound (@PlasmaX :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: Summer Edition: Themed main menu galaxy colors (@HexagonVN :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Themed Football/coconut disappear sound (@VerMishelb :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Themed CI3 balloon chicken.

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Themed CI3 chequered chicken (@dangtiendung1812 :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: Summer Edition: Re-themed Treasure chests as Oysters (@Knightcap @kAPET :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: CI4 spiral fader now covers entire screen (@VerMishelb :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Themed CI5 intro cutscene (feathers->surfboards) (@2sN :medal_sports: Bug)

v.146.4 (BETA only)

  • :bulb: Summer Edition: Themed Galaxy color is now blue.

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Fixed disjointed head of Balloon chicken (@Piotrek1113 :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: Summer Edition: Changed Treasure Chest destruction sound (@PlasmaX :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Droid food bubbles can now contain ice creams (@JustDoIt :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: Summer Edition: Made Comet tails more translucent.

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Moved snorkel to right side (to match regular bandana chick) (@Knightcap :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Environment now affects comets and Henlley’s Comet boss color (@Knightcap :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Applied sound/color theming to CI3 Comets too (@Knightcap :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Removed explosion from Beach ball in CI3 Meteor cutscene (@Knightcap :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: Summer Edition: Themed CI5 Corn/popcorn (@RBCube :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bulb: Summer Edition: Themed Mysterious Ship boss (@AstralSpaceship :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: CI3 intro: Boss puppet life preserver now matches in-game boss (@RBCube :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI5: Summer/Easter/Thanksgiving Edition: Themed frozen chick (@Knightcap :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: Summer Edition: Themed Feather Brain boss (@DGU :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: CI5 “fan stop” cutscene: Synchronized fan animation to stop together with sound effect (@PlasmaX :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bulb: Summer Edition: Themed Burgermeister ketchup as sunscreen.

  • :gear: Separated CI5 popcorn (corn cobs) from CIU popcorn (Corn Shotgun) (@OrvilleTheOrca :medal_sports: Idea)

v.146.5 (BETA only)

  • :bulb: Summer Edition: Themed Mysterious Ship boss is now more egg-shaped (@Knightcap :medal_sports: Idea)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Flipped orientation of Corn/Popsicle (@OrvilleTheOrca :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Feather Brain boss: Limited movement of pupils to avoid crossing into other eyeball (@Taubsi :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Popcorn: Fixed texture error (@Knightcap :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: CI3: “Intro 5” cutscene “100,000 light years” text now uses highlight color (@KnockoffFeline :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Removed smoke from “Asteroid Vortex” wave (@RBCube :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :bug: Summer Edition: Striptease boss now reddens based on clothes worn, not on particular encounter’s damage stages (@KnockoffFeline :medal_sports: Bug)


  • :bug: CI4 “Intro 5” cutscene: Spacecraft+exhaust now fully leave screen (@SA-GoldenBoss128 :medal_sports: Bug)

  • :gear: Cool-off period after a contact request is ignored is now more severe.


First comment, yay! It’s summer time


First bug exposed in the forums: Feather Brain boss from the Summer Edition isn’t staring at the player (me). Or is it barely staring at my spacecraft?

And while flying under the Twice Infinity twin bosses, they look like they’re staring at me (in-real-life), not at my spacecraft.

For now I gotta check on other bosses. But as far as I know, some bosses such as the UCO chickens and Super-Chick properly stare at my spacecraft.


Wait, where’re the episode missions?

They aren’t available if it’s not BETA.



Think I remember seeing the OG feather brain’s eyes where it follows your movement
Yes I know I don’t have the beta one but I’m talking about the OG

Okay, so it means it’s bugged in Summer Edition, not the original (Editionless).

Pilot Chicken: nevermind, i don’t need vacations

Don’t forget the Military Chicken Boss

iA said they’re too serious to celebrate Summer Edition.


Well if the Military Chicken boss has table tennis rackets and tennis balls, why don’t the pilot chickens do so as well?

Screenshot 2024-06-03 170731
no changes

look my theme predicted in Summer.

I’m not iA lmao, iA said the big military chicken can play tennis but will always keep it’s uniform even the small ones

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not much details to change on special force

Nice summer update. But i want to know that can we play CI3, 4 and 5U in this version ? Because i saw on beta version that bugs are reported according to CI2,3,4,5U.

I asked iA for the tank top for the Military Chicken boss. But he said they are too serious. You can understand how do the army be seriously in real life.

Bug: Ice cream/Summer cusine appears in multiplayer when equipped with other cusines

For ones with 3 cusines there will be 4 on screen when first joined

i’ve suggested it before, but it seems that it doesn’t fit them.

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